
Unit 1 How many? 英文版教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:39次 大小:1083833Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson Plan Teaching Background Teaching?material:?Module5 Unit 1 “How many”?from?the?FLTRP textbook?for?students?in?Grade?3 Teaching contents: (1) words: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten (2) sentence: How many......? Type?of?class:?vocabulary?lesson learner’s character: Students just have been exposed to English for only several days, they have a limited understanding of English. Only know some basic words and sentences. And I aim at cultivating their interest in English through various kinds of class activities. Teaching Objectives: Knowledge objective Students can understand,read,speak the numbers (one to ten) and can use and answer the sentence “How many.....?” Ability objective Students can pronounce and use the ten numbers appropriately. Can use the the sentence “How many.....?” in daily life. Emotional objective Through the learning, students can have a sensitive concept towards English numbers. Students can observe things carefully. Teaching Key Point: (1) Understand and read the words like one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten (2) Use the sentence How many......? Teaching Difficulty Point: (1) The pronunciation of three, six, seven (2) distinguish four from five Teaching procedures Preparation (8min) T: Good morning class! How are you today? Do you like singing? Ss: Fine. Yes. T: Ok, now let’s Sing the song we learned last class. (The teacher play the music and sing with the students ) T:Who can sing this song? Please put up your hands! Ss:I can. T:Ok. Let’s count. How many students can sing the song?(Write “How many” on the blackboard) T:One,two,three,four,five…… Fine. Let us begin today‘s lesson. Today,We are going to learn something about number. 【设计意图】以歌曲的形式欢快地开始课堂,复习了上节课学习的颜色词,顺便引入了今天的新课 Presentation(20min) T:3 months ago I bought one female cat in a store.(stick a picture of one female cat and write “one” on the blackboard) Several days passed,I found it may feel lonely,so I bought a male cat in the store. Then I had two cats.(Stick stick a picture of one male cat and write “two” on the blackboard) Soon,I had three cats. Do you know how the third cat come?Yes!The mother cat gave birth to a baby cat~(stick a picture of one baby cat and write “three” on the blackboard) Now let’s learn the numbers together~Read after me! One one one cat.(point to the female cat)Two two two cats(circle the parent cats)Three three three cats(circle the three cats) 【设计意图】以故事的形式导入新课,提高学生的学习兴趣,先学习one two three Let’s play a game named opposite tone. If I say a word loudly,you should tell me the word quietly. If I say the word quietly,you should say the word loudly. (The teacher say “one,two,three”at random ,circle the cats and number in the same time) 【设计意图】通过游戏巩固学生对one,two,three的认读,特别强调three 的读音 T: Soon, the family became bigger and bigger. The mo ... ...

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