
Unit 2 How often do you exercise?Listening & Speaking课件

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:61次 大小:4431872Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件18张PPT。Unit 2 _____ do you exercise?Listening & SpeakingHow oftenWhat do you always do on weekends?Warming- upI _____ watch TV. 100%alwaysPercent %exerciseWhat do you usually do on weekends?I usually … on weekends. help with housework /do housework usually≥ 80%go to the moviesgo shoppingWhat does she do on weekends?She _____ … on weekends.often≥ 60%goesgoesread a bookuse the computer /use the InternetWhat do they do on weekends?They _____… on weekends.sometimes≥ 20%Write1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____help with houseworkread a bookexercisewatch TVgo shoppingWeekend activities.1a-- Do you watch your favorite TV program?-- Yes, I watch my favorite program _____ . once a weeklook and say-- Do they go to the movies on weekends?-- No, they _____ go to the movies, just twice a year.hardly ever seldom< 5%-- Do they usually help with housework?-- Yes, they do housework _____. three times a day--_____he use the Internet ?-- No, he almost(几乎) _____ use the Internet . His parents are strict with him .Doesnever0%always (100%) _____ usually _____ often _____ sometimes _____ hardly ever_____ never (0%) _____ Listen and write the activities next to the correct frequency words.exercise, readwatch TVhelp with houseworkgo shoppingwatch TVgo shoppingListeningYes, I always do housework.Exercises1.你周末干什么?What do you do on weekends?2.我经常看电视。I usually watch TV.3.你帮助做家务吗?Do you help with housework? 4.是的 ,我总是做家务。/ 不,我几乎不做家务。No, I hardly ever do housework.……?always /usually /often /sometimes…hardly ever /never …ABABDo you often watch TV?How often do you watch TV?I usually watch TV… Thinking Time Pair work…?stay up late take a shower go on vacation use the Internet help with housework three times a weektwice a weekonce a weekonce a month一周两次每天几乎不每周末每天晚上一星期三次一个月一次从不①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧How often do you…?once a monthnevertwice a weekhardly everevery weekendevery daythree times a weekevery nightChain workI….1minute1. They sometimes go shopping on weekends. 2. We are always busy. 3. I hardly ever go to school late. 4. Tom eats vegetables every day. 5. Lucy goes to the dentist once a week. Summary:你能找出usually, sometimes, hardly ever, every day 和 once a week在句中的位置有什么不同吗?小结:频率副词always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never 的位置是 _____之前, _____之后。而every …、once a week等常放在句末。 行为动词be/情态动词Listen. Number the activities you hear [1-5] in the order you hear them.12345Listen again. Match the activities in 2a with how often Cheng Tao does them.How often does Cheng Tao …? He … Homework 1.自能拓展Unit2课时一 2.预习Section A后半部分 (明早默写Unit1 B部分单词) How often do you do these activities? Fill in the chart and then make conversations.2cevery dayfour times a weektwice a weekevery dayonce a month ... ...

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