
Unit 7 It’s raining! (Section A 1a-2d)公开课课件

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:82次 大小:13301209Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Teaching plan Lesson: 7B Unit7 It’s raining! Secction A 1a-2d Teaching aims: 1. Learn to describe the weather. E.g. How’s the weather? It’s sunny/raining/cloudy/windy/snowing. Review the present progressive tense to describe what people are doing. E.g. What is he/she doing? What are you/they doing? He/She is .... They are ... 3. Learn to greet people by using how’s it going? E.g. How’s it going? It’s great/not bad/ terrible. Teaching procedures: I. Lead-in Enjoy a song ‘How’s the weather today?’ T: How’s the weather today? Ss: It’s sunny/raining/.... T: What do you like to do on a _____ day? Ss: I like to _____. 3. T: Today is sunny. I like to play games on sunny days. Do you like to play games with me? Ss: Yes, we do. T: Have you watched the TV show, running man? Do you like it? Today we’ll be the running man. Let’s compete with each other and see who will be the best running man. We’ll fly to four countries. What are they? Do you know the country names? Ss: China, America,Canada, Russia. 4.Match the city names with the countries. T: Actually, we’ll fly to four cities to play games. They are Shanghai, Moscow, Boston and Toronro. Do you know which countries are they in? Ss: Shanghai is in China. Moscow is in Russia. Boston is in the US. Toronto is in Canada. II. The first stop 1. Guessing games T: Now let’s fly to our first stop. Where is it? Ss: Shanghai. T: Look at the picture.This is the Oriental Pearl Tower. How’s the weather in Shanghai. Ss: It’s cloudy. T: Let’s play the first guessing game ‘what are the people doing?’ Are you ready? (Show pictures and Ss guess.) 2. 1a&1b T: The boy is Peter. He is talking on the phone to his friends. They are in different cities. Let’s first look at the picture in 1a and match the weather with the pictures in 1a. How’s the weather in Picture a/b/c/d/e? Ss: It’s raining/windy/sunny/snowing/cloudy. T: Now let’s listen and write these city names in the boxes. We know picture c is Beijing. Which city is Peter in? Ss: He’s in Shanghai. T: Which city is it in Picture a/b/d? Ss: It’s Toronto/Boston/Moscow. 3. Pairwork T: look at the map of China.Imagine you are watching a weather report on TV. Talk about the weather with your friend on the phone like this: A: Hi! How’s the weather in Beijing? B: It’s sunny. III. The second stop 1.2a&2b T: We’ve finished the game in the first stop. Do you still remember how the weather is in Boston? Ss: It’s windy. T: Yes. Now we’ll fly to Boston. Look at the picture. This is Old South Church in Boston. We’ll do a family show in this stop. This is Linda’s family. Jim is talking on the phone to Linda. Let’s listen and number the pictures in 2a.(check the answers) Listen again. Match the names with the activities in 2b.(check the answers) Can you fill in the blanks on the paper. Linda’s family Hello! I’m Linda. The weather isn’t cold. It’s _____ and really warm. My father Joe is _____ outside. My mother Sally is busy. She is _____. How about Ma ... ...

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