
Unit 1 How tall are you? PA Let’s talk 课件+教案+达标测试(无答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:39次 大小:1387710Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件11张PPT。Unit 1 How tall are you?PEP Book 8How tall are you?A let’s talk tall-taller long-longer old-older young-younger short-shorterCan you read aloud?talltallertallestbigbiggerbiggestHow tall is it?Maybe 4 metres.4mtallest 最高的 Look and GuessHow tall is the tallest dinosaur? What are these dinosaurs like? How tall is Zhang Peng?Maybe 4 meters.They’re all so big and tall.He is 1.65 meters.Listen and answerZhang Peng : Look! . Mike: Yes, it is. ? Zhang Peng: Maybe 4 metres, Mike: Wow! It’s taller than both of us together. Zhang Peng: Look! ! Mike: They’re all so big and tall. Zhang Peng: Hey, this dinosaur isn’t tall! I’m taller than this one. Mike: Oh, yes. ? Zhang Peng: I’m 1.65 metres. A: How tall are you B: How tall is it C: That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall D: There are more dinosaurs over thereCBDAFill in the blanksMake a new dialogue 周日和好朋友去动物园,看到了很多动物,请运用本课所学知识进行描述和比较Homework (1)听A Let’s talk部分的录音读给同伴、 朋友或家长听。 (2)熟读并背诵对话。Good bye!Unit 1 How Tall Are You? 第二课时 Part A Let’s try&Let’s talk。 教学目标: 1.能够在图片及教师的帮助下理解对话大意。 2.能够听说读写并在情境中恰当的运用句型:How tall are you? I’m 1.65meters. I’m taller than this one. How tall is it?21cnjy.com 3.能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并能进行正确的表演。 二、教学重点及难点: 掌握句型:How tall are you? I’m 1.65meters. I’m taller than this one. How tall is it?”,并能在情境中运用句型! 教学准备 1.录音机及磁带 教师准备本课时所需的PPT 三、教学过程 1. preparation(预习) a.日常口语练习。 b.复习单词及其比较级形式: tall-taller long- longer old-older young-younger short-shorter21·cn·jy·com 2. presentation(新课呈现) (1)Let’s try 教师播放录音,学生独立完成练习并核对答案 Let’s talk Talk about the dinosaour. 看图猜一猜:What are they talking about? c.听音回答问题 How tall is the tallest dinosaur? What are these dinosaurs like? How tall is Zhang Peng? d.教师范读,学生跟读 e.分组读,个别读回答问题 f.播放录音,学生到再次跟读 3.practice(练习) (1).选句子补全对话。 (2).T: How tall are you? I’m 1.65metres.引导学生回答,并多加练习。 21教育网 (3).做完后教师 问How tall are you?请学生轮流回答。 (4).同桌或小组之间互相练习。 (5).学生两人分角色朗读课文对话。 4. Make a new dialogue 周日和好朋友去动物园,看到了很多动物,请运用本课所学知识与朋友进行描述和比较! 5.homework (1)听A Let’s talk部分的录音读给同伴、朋友或家长听。 (2)熟读并背诵对话。 板书设计 How tall are you? Dinosaur hall That’s tallest dinosaur in the hall. It’s taller than both of us together.? How tall is Zhang Peng? He’s 1.65 metres. 21世纪教育网版权所有 2·1·c·n·j·y 【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 Unit1 How tall are you第二课时达标检测 一、读一读,译一译; 1.younger_____2.older_____ 3.taller_____4.shorter_____21世纪教育网版权所有 5.longer_____6.dinosaur_____ 7. first_____8.second_____ 二、根据汉语提示选一选,填一填。 1.那是这个厅里最高的恐龙That’s the_____( tallest, taller) dinosaur in this hall.21教育网 2.它比我两加起来还高。It’s _ ... ...

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