

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:50次 大小:44788Byte 来源:二一课件通
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宾语从句 1.宾语从句的概说:宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语。 整个复合句结构如下: I think (that) I have lost it. 我想我已经把它丢了。 主语 + 谓语 +(引导词)+ 主语 + 谓语 主句 宾语从句 由此可见宾语从句就是作及物动词,介词或某些形容词的宾语的句子。 2.由that引导的宾语从句。(即陈述句作宾语从句) (1) 主句的谓语。 ① 很多及物动词后都可接由that引导的宾语从句,如:think, hope, say, tell, know, see, hear, remember, mean等。 ② 一些表示人的感情的形容词如sure, happy, glad, pleased, surprised, sorry, afraid等后面也可接由that引导的宾语从句,表示产生这种感情的原因。 e.g. I’m sure (that) he will come tomorrow. 我肯定他明天会来。 I’m happy (that) I see you here. 我很高兴看到你在这里。 注意:如果主句与从句的主语一致,可把从句改为不定式,如果不一致,则只可用that从句。如②句可改写为 I’m happy to see you here. 而①句则不可改。 (2) 从句的引导词,即that。 在连词that引导的宾语从句中,that本身无意义,在句子中不但任任何成分,在口语或非正式文体中常常省略。 e.g. I hope (that) you’ll have a good holiday. 希望你们假日愉快。 He says (that) the Chinese people are very friendly. 他说中国人民很友好。 (3) 从句的语序:宾语从句永远用陈述语序。 e.g. Does he know (that) she is a scientist? 他知道她是科学家吗? Are you sure (that) you will win? 你肯定你会赢吗? (4) 从句的时态。 ①若主句为一般现在时态时,则宾语从句要根据具体情况选择所需要的时态。 e.g. He says (that) he is ill now. 他说他现在病了。 He says (that) he has been ill for ten days. 他说他已经生病十天了。 He says (that) he was ill last week. 他说他上周生病了。 He says (that) he will return soon. 他说他很快就回来。 ②若主句为一般过去时,则宾语从句也要用某种过去时态。 e.g. He said (that) he was ill then. 他说他那时病了。 He said (that) he was doing his homework then. 他说他那时正在做作业。 ③若宾语从句说的是客观真理,自然现象等,要用一般现在时。 e.g. The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun. 老师说地球绕着太阳转。 (5) 否定的转移。 若主句的主语是第一人称(I, we),且谓语动词是think, guess, believe, suppose等时,如果要否定,只能否定主句,而不能否定从句。 e.g. I don’t think he will come tonight. 我认为他今晚不会来。 (6) 含宾语从句的复合句的反意疑问句,一般情况下,根据主句主谓语来确定附加疑问句。 e.g. The teacher didn’t say that he would come here, did he? 但对于有否定转移的主从复合句来说,其附加疑问句的主谓语须根据从句来确定。 e.g. I don’t think he can swim, can he? 我认为他不会游泳,对吗? I believe he is a student, isn’t he? 我相信他是个学生,不是吗? 3.由连接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句。(即特殊疑问句作宾语从句) (1) 主句的谓语:可由连接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句的动词有see, tell, ask, answer, know, decide, find out, show, choose, remember, forget等。 e.g. Do you know who will give us a talk? 你知道谁将给我们做演讲吗? We asked him why he was late. 我们问他为什么迟到。 I am going to see how Kate is. 我准备去看凯特怎么样了。 (2) 从句的引导词。 ①由连接代词who, whom, whose, what和which引导,这些词在宾语从句中可作主语.宾语.表语和定语,因而不能省略。 e.g. Do you know who will give us a talk? 你知道谁会给我们做演讲吗 ... ...

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