
Unit 5-6 Nelson Mandel -- a modern hero Listening speaking & writing 学案与同步练习

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:59次 大小:305879Byte 来源:二一课件通
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21世纪教育网 –中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela -a modern hero 黑龙江省哈尔滨市 邱尚瑛 学案与同步练习 Unit 5-6 Listening speaking & writing I. Recall and retell what you heard in the listening and reading parts. Then finish the following sentences.2·1·c·n·j·y 1. Elias’ story is a bout _____ and out of prison. _____ left the afraid memories to Elias.【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 2. In the prison, El ias met Nelson Mandela who help him _____. Elias studied and worked very hard in prison. However, at first _____ to study for the degree. 3. After Eli as _____, he found a job working in an office, but the police _____. 4. Elias lost his job and _____ for twenty years. His family had to beg for food and help _____ to make their living. 5. He began to h ave a new job when Nelson Mandela and the ANC _____. His new job is _____ on Robben Island. 6. But he didn’t like the new job at first because when he talk to a group, all the terror and fear of things _____, he remembered _____ and his friends who died in the prison.21·cn·jy·com 7. Under the help of his family, Elias liked _____ and was proud _____. 8. I joined the ANC youth league because _____ for black and white people _____. 9. The whit e people did not _____ and could work anywhere. The black person could not work _____. 10. _____ anywhere they liked in South Africa. _____ although there were fewer in number than the black people. 21教育名师原创作品 【参考答案】 1. Elias’ life in prison; The Robben Island 2. to study for his degree; Elias was not allowed 3. was out of prison; did not allowed him to do the job 4. he had been out of work ; from his relatives or friends 5. came to power in 1994; taking tourists around the old prison 6. came back to him; the beatings and the cruelty of the guards 7. to do the job; to show visitors over the prison 8. it fought for equal rights; in south Africa 9. have to carry passbooks ; without a passbook 10. The white people could live ; They owned almost all the lands II. Finish the char t according to the phonetics given, don’t look at your textbook. 请不要看教科书根据所给音标完成下列表格。 phonetics words Chinese [k ' p re t] [ k li:g] [ :g na ze n] [ dv ke t] [ v θr ] [r z st ns] [ segr ge n] [ m d r t] 【参考答案】 phonetics words Chinese [k ' p re t] cooperate 合作,协助 [ k li:g] colleague 同事,同行 [ :g na ze n] organization 组织,团体 [ dv ke t] advocate 提倡,鼓吹 [ v θr ] overthrow 打倒,推翻 [r z st ns] resistance 抵抗,阻力 [ segr ge n] segregation 种族隔离 [ m d r t] moderate 温和的 III. Make sentences using the words or phrases given in brackets. (使用所给词汇造句。) 1. 罗本岛的名字使埃利亚斯感到害怕,他在监狱里度过了他一生中最艰难的日子。(make sb. afraid)21世纪教育网版权所有 2. 纳尔逊·曼德拉在狱中为 那些没上过多少学的人开设了一所学校。他在午休和晚上教他们。(during the lunch breaks and the evenings) 3. 他们在毯子下看书,用他们能找到的任何东西做成蜡烛来学习单词。(used anything they could find) 21教育网 ... ...

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