
Culture 1 Health and Our Earth 课件+教案+素材

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:35次 大小:1348802Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    小短文: This is the earth’s subscription(小病历). He feels bad. There are too many cars in the street. They make too much dirty air and smoke. The water is very dirty, and there are a lot of wastes in the river. There are lots of plastic bags, trash and cans in the street, too. They are bad for him. So what should the people do in the earth. They should plant trees, clean up trash and save water. Please throw trash in the bin, not in the street. And also don’t spit. I think he will get better. 回答问题。 Do you like the pollution(污染) And why What is bad for our health 3. What should we do Culture1 Health and our Earth 教学设计 一、 整体设计思路 设计教学时我关注了课程的工具性和人文性双重性质,秉着面向全体学生、关注差异的原则,结合单元整体设计的理念,整体设计了目标,充分挖掘了教材的内容,再构了小文本,并在充分考虑到语言学习的渐进性和特殊性,关注学生的参与与体验,通过看医生这样的一个小情景,让学生在用英语做事情的过程中理解和运用语言。 二、 学生分析 本课的教学对象是六年级的学生,六年级上学期已经过了7个星期。他们的求知欲强,具备一定的词汇和语言基础,但是同时词汇量不是很好,语言口语表达能力不强,特别是在文化学习上他们更不能自如地表达自我。他们需要教师协助他们建立语言结构,发展其综合的语言表达能力。 三、 教材分析 本课是广东人民-出卷网-出版的小学开学学英语Book7的文化单元。作为文化单元,我们应该聚焦在让学生利用学过的语言,去学习更多的环境保护,深化学生的环境保护意识。本单元分成两个课时,第一课时聚焦在了解污染的总类、和向人类提出建议。 四、 教学目标 1、语言知识目标 1、在语境中学习、理解、运用词汇:dirty air, smoke, dirty water, wastes, cans, plastic bags, trash. 2、拓展新词: garbage 3、重点句型: …..is /are bad for our health. We should…. 2、情感态度目标 通过本课时教学提供的单词以及再构的小文本培养学生环保意识。 3、学习策略目标 通过自主学习、合作学习、小组讨论等方式,让学生感受到自主学习的乐趣、培养合作能力,以及培养学生在活动中用英语与他人交流的交际策略。 4、文化意识目标 使学生在学习过程中,养成良好的行为习惯,增强学生的环保意识。 五、 教学重难点 1、教学重点:1)能正确地理解、运用词汇bad for our health, dirty air, dirty water, smoke, cans, plastic bags, trash, smoke 2)重点句型:…is / are bad for our health. We should…. 2、教学难点 能够利用thinking map 复述故事 六、教学过程 Step1:Warm up 1. greeting 2. sing a song.(P14 What’s the matter with Gogo ) 设计意图:通过歌曲,消除学生紧张的情绪,为学生营造一种轻松愉快的学习氛围。 Step2: Lead-in 1、teacher ask some questions such as : 1) What’s the matter with Gogo 2) What should he do 3) If you are sick, what should you do 2、T: Yes, if we feel sick, we will go to see the doctor. But what about our earth 3、teacher shows the picture of the earth ,and teach the new word“earth”. And then ask the students what can you see in the earth (总结:our earth is very healthy before.)but now what’s wrong with our earth Let’s watch the video. 4、T: What’s wrong with our earth S1:…. S2:…. S3:…. T: Why does our earth feel sick Can you guess S1:… T: Maybe, now let’s read the passage, and then you will know ... ...

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