
Unit6 Meet my family B read and write 精优课件 微课 教案 学案 同步练习 素材

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:53次 大小:22447453Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    21世纪教育网 –中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit6 Meet my family B read and write 课型:新授   讲学时间:1课时 【学习目标】 1.能够读懂John’s family小短文,完成Read and tick选择题。 2.能够按要求完成Look, choose and write部分的练习,能够进行有意义的抄写,并进行问答,补充答语。21世纪教育网版权所有 重点 能够借助图片读懂短文,完成理解配图。 难点 能够运用通过关键词(key words)进行阅读判断。 【新知预习】 1.学过的家庭成员及职业的单词,你还记得哪些,自己说一说。 This is my family.My dad,my mum,my brother,my sister and me. Uncle,aunt,cousin,grandparents. 2.想一想,介绍家庭成员的职业,与描述家庭成员的外貌特征,它们有什么区别? He/She’s a/an....He/She’s .... 【课堂探究】 先读Read and write.完成 1.How many people are there in John's family 2.Who are they 3.What is his/her job?What is he/she like Read, tick and circle the key words T: Pay attention to the key words: 对He/She is a...的句子,予以点拨,让孩子明白含义。 如何描写自己家庭成员,具体通过哪些方面进行描述? This is my_____. He/She is _____. 外貌、性格特征 He/She has _____. He/She is a _____. 职业 【针对练习】 一、读一读,给下列句子选择一个合适的中文。 ( ) 1. What’s your mother’s job A. 我叔叔是一名司机。 ( ) 2. My family has three people. B. 见见我的家人! ( ) 3. This is my cousin. C. 你妈妈的工作是做什么的? ( ) 4. My uncle is a driver. D. 这是我的妹妹。 ( ) 5. Meet my family! E. 我家里有三人。 二、单项选择。 ( )1 .-_____this your uncle -No,_____isn’t. A.Is; he B.Is; she ( )2.My brother has no_____job. A. \ B.the ( )3.My _____are doctors. A.parents B.father ( ) 4.-This is my aunt. -____is a nurse. A.She B.It 三、根据上下文联系,排列下面句子。 ( )My father,my mother and me. ( )My father is a basketball player. ( )My mother is a teacher. ( )My family has three people. ( )He is tall and strong. ( )She is very friendly. ( )I am a student. ( )I have no job. 参考答案 一、 C E D A B 二、 1.A 2. A 3.A 4.A 三、 2 3 5 1 4 6 7 8 【课后反思】 学后反思 你得到了几个笑脸? _____ 21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页) HYPERLINK "http://www.21cnjy.com/" 版权所有@21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)21世纪教育网 –中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 同步练习 一、读一读,给下列问句选择正确的答句。 ( ) 1. Who are they A. No. He is my uncle. ( ) 2. Is this your brother B. She is a nurse. ( ) 3. What’s your aunt’s job C. My family has seven people. ( ) 4. How many apples are there on the tree D. My parents and me ( ) 5. How many people are there in your family E. Seven. 二、根据情景选择合适的句子填空,只填序号。 Amy:_____ Mary:There are five. Amy:Who’s this Mary:_____He’s seventy years old,but he is very strong. Amy:_____ Mary:Yes,it is.She is sixty-seven years old. Amy: Is this your mother Mary:_____She is a nurse. I love her. Amy:_____ Mary:He is a doctor. Amy:_____ Mary:It’s me. 三、看图,选词,仿照示例写句子。 -What is his job -He is a driver. 1. -What is _____ job -_____is a _____ 2. -What is _____ job -_____is a _____ -What_____ _____ _____ - _____is a _____ -This is my _____. -_____is a _____. 5.-This ... ...

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