
开心学英语三年级下册 Review 2 课件+素材

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:77次 大小:49375650Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件42张PPT。Review 2How to make Belle happy?magic roseBelleHow can he become a prince again?Belle is hungry.It’s time to cook.It’s five o’clock.Preview (mind map)Mind mapMind map黄丽Mind mapdrinkdinnerdecorationdishesfruitfoodMrs. Teapot and Mr. Candle’s preparationthreethirteenplatesballoonsfivefifteenforkscandles t, ee, n, teen t, t, teen thirteen, fourteen fifteen, sixteen seventeen, eighteen nineteen That’s t, ee, n, teenMrs. Teapot’s preparationthree platesthirteen balloonsfive forksfifteen candles919414616177Let’s find! (找规律)12fiveelevenfifteenfourtwelvesixteen3.twofoursix4.fourtwelvesixteenHow many giraffes are there?What are they?What are they?How many …s are there?Some other animals want to go to the dinner.Some other animals want to go to the dinner.There are 5.There are 15.Yes, they do.The animals bring many presents to the dinner.They are very polite.A: Hello! B: Hi! A: What do you have? B: I have _____. A: How many_____ are there? B: There are_____. A/B: It’s good. Let’s go!Let’s draw and talk!Let’s go to the dinner. It’s a big dinner. There are _____ _____. There are _____ _____. We can ____ and _____. We are happy. We like the dinner.6bowls15peachessingdanceA Big DinnerBelle is happy.You get many roses.A. Count your room’s things. (数一数你房间的物品,并作出简单的介绍)Homework B. Describe your home’s dinner. (描述你家的晚餐)

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