

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:53次 大小:141975Byte 来源:二一课件通
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专项训练四:写 作 一、范文展示。 (一) 你曾看过某种体育比赛吗?是哪种比赛呢?什么时候,在哪儿看的?比赛结果如何呢?请给大家介绍一下吧。【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 要求:1. 题目自拟,请注意时态。 2. 不允许出现自己的真实姓名。 3. 语句要正确、通顺,不少于8句话。 范文: A Basketball Game I like to play sports. Of all sports, I like basketball best. I often watch basketball games. That's fun. Last Wednesday afternoon, there was a game on the playground of our school. Class 5 played with Class 6. Each team had five players. They played very hard. Class 5 won the game. All players felt tired but happy. That's a wonderful game. 译文: 一次篮球比赛 我喜欢进行体育运动。在所有运动项目中,我最喜欢篮球。我经常看篮球比赛。比赛很有意思。上个星期三下午,在我们学校的操场上举行了一次比赛。五班对战六班。每个队伍有五个球员。他们都打得很顽强。五班赢得了比赛。所有的运动员都感到累但是很快乐。那是一场精彩的比赛。 (二) 每个人都希望自己健康强壮,你是怎么做的呢?请给大家介绍一下吧。 要求:1. 题目自拟。 2. 不少于8句话。 3. 语句连贯,表达正确,书写工整。 范文: How to Be Healthy and Strong Everyone wants to be healthy and strong. Me, too. I always have breakfast. I like to have eggs, bread and milk for breakfast. I like to eat vegetables and fruit. They are good for me. I always brush my teeth twice a day, and I always wash my hands before meals. I do exercise every day. I run for about twenty minutes in the morning. I play ping-pong or basketball with my friends three times a week. I think I am healthy and strong. 译文: 怎样变健壮 每个人都想健康而强壮,我也一样。我总是吃早餐。我早餐喜欢吃鸡蛋、面包和牛奶。我喜欢吃蔬菜和水果。这对我的身体有益。我总是每天刷两次牙,并且坚持在餐前洗手。我每天都做运动。早上,我跑步大约二十分钟。我每周和朋友打三次乒乓球或篮球。我认为我是健康而强壮的。 (三) 看图作文。暑假就要来了,请仔细观察以下图片,来介绍一下Amy的暑期计划。 要求:1. 以Amy's Summer Holiday为题,注意时态。 2. 要包含图片中的所有内容,可根据自己的想法适当增加内容。 3. 不少于8个句子,语句连贯,表达正确,书写工整。 范文: Amy's Summer Holiday Summer holiday is coming. Amy is very happy. This summer, she will go on a trip to the sea. She will play on the beach and watch the ships on the sea. That will be fun. She will have art classes. She likes to draw pictures. She will play sports every day. She wants to be a healthy girl. She wants to read some interesting books with her family, too. She will have a happy holiday. 译文: 艾米的暑假 暑假就要来了。艾米非常开心。这个夏天,她会去海边旅行。她要在海滩上玩,并且观看那些海上的船只。那会很有意思。她会去上美术课。她喜欢画画。她每天都要运动。她想成为一个健康的女孩。她还想和家人一起读一些有趣的书。她会拥有一个快乐的假期。 (四) 联想作文。请根据以下词汇,编写一个小故事。 要求:1. 要包括以下提供的所有词汇,注意时态。   2. 不少于50个单词。  3. 内容要连贯,语句要正确、规范、通顺。 参考词汇:party  find  all  cake  early  happy 范文: A Wonderful Party Today is Mr. Rabbit's birthday. His good friends want to have a surprise party for h ... ...

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