
Module 4 Healthy food Unit 2 Is your food and drink healthy? 教学课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:89次 大小:10720768Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件44张PPT。Module 4 Healthy foodUnit 2 Is your food and drink healthy?1.We_____meat in the fridge. 2.We _____fish in the fridge. 3.We _____vegetables in the fridge. 4.We _____eggs in the fridge. 5.We _____bananas in the fridge. 6.We_____apples in the fridge. 7.We_____orange juice in the fridge. 8.We_____milk in the fridge.have got some haven’t got anyhave got somehave got somehave got somehaven’t got anyhave got somehaven’t got anyLook at the pictures and talk about themnoodleshamburgerricebreaddumplingscakecoffeebeerwinejuiceice creamsugarbutterbaconcandypotato chipsroast duckpopcornhealthy:sth is good for healthsth isn’t good for healthunhealthy:健康的不健康的What do you know about healthy food?The steamed fish is healthy,but roast duck is unhealthy.Meat is healthy but hamburgers aren’t healthy.An apple is healthy but candy isn’t healthy.are healthybutis unhealthy. Coke is unhealthy but water and tea are healthy.What’s your favourite food and drinks? Are they healthy?What should we eat and drink if we want to be healthy?看图说话Are these your favourite food and drink? Are they healthy or unhealthy?Look and SayThere are some _____, _____, _____, _____, _____ and broccoli (西兰花). They are _____ vegetables. tomatoespotatoes peppers carrots cabbageshealthy____ and _____ are my _____ food. And they are _____ food.Rice favourite healthycarrots_____ and _____ are my _____ food. And they are _____ food.Noodles favourite healthywatermelons_____ and _____ are my _____ food. But they are _____ food.Hamburger favourite unhealthyice cream_____ and _____ are my _____ drinks. And they are _____ drinks.Juice favourite healthywater1. Think of six words for food and drink. Make three lists. favourite healthy deliciousFavourite food and drink: oranges …Healthy food and drink: carrots …Delicious food and drink: …rice, meat, beef, tomatoes, potatoes, water, juice, milk……roast duck, chips, ice cream, cola, beef, apples……2. Label the pictures with these words. bread candies cola fish hamburger ice cream noodles rice sugarnoodlesice creamfishsugar breadhamburgerrice colacandies bread candies cola fish hamburger ice cream noodles rice sugar3. Listen and complete the tableHealthy food and drinkUnhealthy food and drinkice creamhamburgerscolacandysugarcarrotseggssweet potatoesmilkcheesefishchicken soup……How to stay healthy?Eat noodles or rice, not hamburgers. Have a good breakfast ever morning. Drink juice, water, tea and milk, not cola. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables.这里drink是名词,意思是饮料 drink还可表示 饮料的一杯(或一份)。 I would like a cold drink. 我想要杯冷饮。 drink还可以用作动词, 表示“饮”或“喝酒”。 Would you like something to drink? 你要点什么喝的吗?1. food and drinkLanguage points2. Eat the right food and be healthy. 吃正确的食物并且是健康的。 这是一个祈使句,祈使句用于表达说话 人的愿望、意志、请求、警告、命令、 号召或建议, 其主语 you 通常省略, 谓语 动词用原形。祈使句的否定结构是在动 词原形前加 do not (don’t) 。a bit 的意思是“有 ... ...

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