
Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)课件+练习

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:59次 大小:7648182Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 第二课时:Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) What did you do last weekend Unit 12 课文呈现 知识讲解 …… …… 第二课时:Section A (Grammar Focus-3c) 课堂导入 3a 3b 课堂小结 课后作业 课堂练习 词汇 听写 … 同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧! Look at the pictures and guess what I did last weekend. Grammar Focus Grammar Focus What did you do last weekend? I did my homework./ We went boating. Who visited her grandma? Becky did. Where did she go last weekend? She went to a farm. Who did she go with? She went with her classmates. 1.A:_____ did you do last weekend B:I played badminton on Saturday. A:Sounds fun!_____ did you play with B:I played with my father.He's really good! Fill in the blanks with who,what,when,where or how. 3a What Who  2.A:_____ was your weekend B:It was great!I had so much fun! A:_____ did you go B:The weather was beautiful,so I went to the beach with my parents. 3.A:_____ did Jim lose B:He lost his keys.He often loses things. A:That's too bad._____ did he lose them B:I heard it was yesterday. How What Where When Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box. 3b say be climb see run away A family of mice were in the kitchen on Saturday morning when they _____ a big cat. Baby Mouse_____ afraid and _____ onto his father's back.Father Mouse shouted at the cat,“Woof,woof!”The cat quickly_____.“Wow,Dad,you're good!”_____ Baby Mouse. “Well,son, that's why it's important to learn a second language ,” answered Father Mouse saw was climbed ran away said run away 逃离;跑开 知识点 1 run away 意为“跑开;逃跑”其中away是副词,意为“离开;远离”,常与run,go,walk,drive,ride等动词搭配。 eg:They want to run away in a car. 他们想坐车逃跑。 Don't go away.I have a question to ask you. 别走开。我有个问题要问你。 考向一 eg:He ran away from school.他逃学了。 考向二 away用作副词时,可用作be的表语。 eg:Who will look after these children when I'm away?我走了之后,谁来照看这些孩子? 【注意】 “be away from...for+一段时间”,表示“离开某地一段时间”,而leave是瞬间动词,不能表示离开一段时间。 eg:He was away from school for two weeks last year.去年他离开学校两周。 He left here last week.他上周离开了这里。 典例 A true friend will never _____ from you when you're in trouble.(重庆A) A.take away  B.run away C.put off D.get off 【点拨】take away拿走;run away突然离开;put off推迟;get off从……下来。句意:当你处于困境时,一位真正的朋友从来不会从你身边离开。 B mouse/ma s/n.老鼠 知识点 2 mouse 的复数形式为mice,是不规则变化。 考向一 eg:I'm afraid of the mouse.我害怕老鼠。 典例 How many _____(老鼠)are there in the kitchen 【点拨】how many后接可数名词的复数形式。 mice 常见的名词的不规则复数形式: man →men 男人   woman→ women 女人 child →children孩子 foot→feet脚,英尺 tooth→teeth牙齿 goose→ geese鹅 ox →oxen公牛 拓展 名词复数不规则变化:男女脚孩,鼠牙鹅牛 魔法 记忆 shout ... ...

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