
Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?Section B (1a-2c)课件+练习

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:93次 大小:20269785Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 第三课时:Section B (1a-2c) What did you do last weekend Unit 12 课文呈现 知识讲解 …… …… 第三课时:Section B (1a-2c) 词汇 听写 课堂导入 1a 1b 课堂小结 课后作业 … 课堂练习 同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧! How was your last weekend What did you do Here are some things that Sally and Jim did yesterday.Match the activities with the pictures. 1a 1._____ sang and played the guitar 2._____ studied for a test 3._____ had dinner with friends 4._____ went to the library 5._____ flew a kite 6._____ swam in a swimming pool d c f e a b fly a kite放风筝 知识点 1 考向一【重点】 fly此处用作及物动词,意为“放飞 (风筝、飞机模型等)”。其过去式为flew。 eg:My father helped me to fly the model plane. 我的父亲帮助我放飞飞机模型。 考向二 fly用作不及物动词,其常见用法为: ①意为“飞,飞行”,fly to+地点表示“乘飞机去……”。 eg:I wanted to fly like a bird.我想像鸟一样飞。 We flew to Beijing yesterday. 我们昨天乘飞机到北京。 ②还可意为“飞逝”。 eg:How time flies!时间过得真快呀! ① fly 可以用作名词,意为“苍蝇”。 eg:A fly was buzzing against the window. 一只苍蝇嗡嗡地飞着,直撞窗子。 ② flight 名词,意思为“飞行;航班”。 eg:Our flight is late.我们的航班晚点了。 拓展 一语辨异: A fly flies in a flight. 一只苍蝇在班机里飞。 魔法 记忆 Do you think the activities in 1a are fun?Draw a happy face or an unhappy face under each picture. 1b Listen.What did Sally and Jim do last weekend?Complete the chart. 1c Sally Jim did her homework _____ _____ _____          . studied for a test went to the library sang and played the guitar flew a kite in the park had dinner with his friends Jim: Hey, Sally! I didn’t see you last weekend. Sally: Yeah. I stayed at home on Saturday. I was quite busy. Jim: Why Sally: I had a lot of things to do. Jim: Like what Sally: Well, I did my homework and studied for a test. Jim: You did Not much fun, huh Sally: Well, it wasn’t too bad. On Sunday, I went to the library. How about you Did you go out 1c Jim:Well, I sang and played the guitar on Saturday morning. On Sunday afternoon, I flew a kite in the park. And on Sunday night, I had dinner with my friends. Sally: Wow! You had a relaxing time! Jim: Yeah, I had fun. But I didn’t do my homework, so school this morning wasn’t fun! Make a conversation with a partner.Talk about what Sally and Jim did last weekend. 1d —Who went to the library? —Sally did. Make a conversation.Ask what your partner did last weekend. —Did you do anything interesting last weekend —Not really,but I visited my sister. 1e anything interesting有趣的事 知识点 2 考向一【重点】 anything interesting意为“任何有趣的事”,形容词修饰不定代词时应后置,在句中作后置定语。 eg:He told us something interesting. 他告诉了我们一些有趣的事情。 This isn't anything important. 这并不是什么重要的东西。 ①修饰anything的形容词应置于其后。 eg:Did you hear anything interesting 你有没有听到什么有趣的事 ... ...

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