
Module 10 Australia Unit 1 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year教学课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:95次 大小:11883008Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件44张PPT。Unit 1 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year.Words reviewhere we go central according to magical height sailing boat northeast sheep 我们这就看看 adj. 中心的;在中间的 根据;按照; 据……所说 adj. 神奇的;迷人的 n. 高度;身高 帆船 adj. 在东北的 n. 羊;绵羊Words reviewhat keep keep sb./ sth. away fly scissors cut sth. off sth. wooln. 帽子 v. 使保持(某种状态); 记录;存储(信息) (使)避开;(使)不靠近 n. 苍蝇 n. [复数]剪刀 把某物从某物上剪掉 n. 羊毛Words review diary keep a diary hate ant brush brush sth. off sth. at the time n. 日记;日记薄 写日记 v. 憎恨;讨厌 n. 蚂蚁 v. (用刷子)刷 把某物从某物上 刷掉 那时;在那段时间1. To listen and understand the conversation about Australia 2. To get some basics involving the use of the attributive clause with that 3. To be able to talk about one’s travel experiences 4. To learn some key words and useful expressions It is summer there when China is in winter.It held the Olympic Games in 2000.It is the largest English-speaking country in the southern part of the world.123Australia The Guessing gameFlag of AustraliaCoat of arms (国徽) of AustraliaAustraliaHow many people live there?More than 23 million.What’s the name of the capital city?Where do you think most of the people live, in the central part or on the coast of the country? On the east / southeast coast.What do you think the central part of the country is?Desert.kangaroo /?k??.ɡ??ru?/? What Australian animals do you know about?platypus /?pl?t.?.p?s/ 鸭嘴兽dingo /?d??.ɡ??/? 澳洲野狗possum/?p?s.?m/? 负鼠echidna /ek??d.n?/ 针鼹鼠 ?What famous tourist spots in Australia do you know?Great Barrier Reef SydneyAyers RockNow let’s listen and check. 2P80Listen again and complete the sentences.1. The country that Tony would like to visit is _____. 2. In Tony’s opinion, Australia is famous for _____. 3. Ayers Rock is a huge rock in the _____ of Australia. 4. Australia is _____ English-speaking country in the southern part of the world.Australia the Olympic Games in 2000centre the largestTony is talking with his father about Australia. Listen and read. Finish the following tasks.Task 1Complete the table.3P81Ayers Rock central Australia like a huge sailing boat off the northeast coast of Australia over 2,600km longFind words and expressions that describe Ayers Rock, Sydney Opera House and Great Barrier Reef.Task 2Answer the questions.4P811. What is Tony going to write about? He is going to write a letter about Australia. 2. Why does Tony’s dad show his photos of Australia to Tony? Because they may help Tony. 3. Who are the people in some of the photos? They are his Australian friends. 4. Why do many Australians speak English? Because many Australians came from Britain. 5. What did Tony’s dad not like about Australia? The ants.①②③④⑤Find the attributive clause with thatthat引导的定语从句 结构为:先行词+that+定语从句▲关系代词that 省略▲▲▲▲ 根据,按照;据……所说位于澳大利亚东北海岸 lie off… :与陆地保持一段距离牧羊人keep sb./sth ... ...

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