
Unit 3 Where did you go? PA Let’s talk 课件+教案+练习(无答案)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:46次 大小:5150602Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件17张PPT。A let's try & let’s talkUnit3 Where did you go?Let's singLet's chant!What did you do? What did you do? Ride,rode,I rode a horse. What did you do? What did you do? Ride,rode,I rode a bike. What happened? What happened? Fall,fell,I fell off my bike. Where did you go? Where did you go? Xinjiang,Xinjiang,I went to Xinjiang.Free talkA:What do you usually do on your holiday? B:I usually...A:Do you go on trips? What do you usually do on your trips?B:I usually...went to a parkwent fishingrode a horserode a bikewent campingIn winter holiday,I went to a park.I did many interesting things. Look! I rode a horse,I rode a bike,I went fishing and camping. I also took many photos (照片).Let’s try John answered a phone call from Amy. Listen and tick or cross. The second class in beginning. John is at home. John hurt his foot.Listen and answer①What happened to John last Saturday? He fell off his bike last Saterday and hurt his foot. ②What did they talk about later? They talked about the Labour Day holiday.What happened? (怎么了) Fell off ,fell off, I fell off my bike.1. Where did John go over his holiday ? 2. What did he do?Mt. Tianshan, Xinjiang and Turpan.He rode a horse and saw lots of grapes.Listen and answerMt.TianshanTurpan grapesphotos of grapesLet’s talk Amy : What happened? John: I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot. Amy : That’s too bad! Are you all right? John: I’m OK now. Come and look at my photos from the Labour Day holiday. Amy : Where did you go? John: Mt Tianshan, Xinjiang. I rode a horse. Look, it’s very small. Amy : Oh, yes. It looks like a mule! Did you go to Turpan? John: Yes, we did. We saw lots of grapes there. but we couldn’t eat them . They won’t be ready till August. Act it out Amy : What happened? John: I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot. Amy : That’s too bad! Are you all right? John: I’m OK now. Come and look at my photos from the Labour Day holiday. Amy : Where did you go? John: Mt Tianshan, Xinjiang. I rode a horse. Look, it’s very small. Amy : Oh, yes. It looks like a mule! Did you go to Turpan? John: Yes, we did. We saw lots of grapes there. but we couldn’t eat them . They won’t be ready till August. Pairwork 与同学讨论自己去过哪些地方学生灵活运用本课时句型和所学词组扮演John和Amy打电话并上台表演对话。Where did you go? What did you do? What happened? Are you all right? I’m OK now.Where did you go? Did you go to ......? Yes,we did. Homework1.背诵课文P24 Let‘s talk。 2.背诵不规则动词的过去式。 3.完成优化设计31.32页。Unit 3 Where did you go?  第一课时 教学目标 1.能听、说、认读fell ,off, mule, could, till ,Labour Day , Turpan 等词汇。 2.能在教师和图片的帮助下理解对话大意。 3.能够通过对话了解新疆的风土人情。 4.能够用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。 教学重点 1.听、说、认读句子:What happened?Are you all right?I’m OK now.Where did you go?Did you go to Turpan?Yes,we did. 2.理解重点句型,并能运用过去式谈论假期活动。 教学难点 运用句型“Where did you go?What did you do?” ... ...

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