
Unit 8 Happy new year 第三课时教案

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:50次 大小:122810Byte 来源:二一课件通
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( 三 )年级( 英语 ) 教学内容 Unit8 Happy New Year ! 课型 新授课 执教者 第( 3 )课时 教学目标 1.能熟练地运用句型:What’s this/that in English?,并会用It’s a …来回答。 2.能熟练地运用句型This is for you./It’s for you.来相互赠与礼物。拓展This…is for you./That…is for you. 3.会新年节日祝福,礼貌用语。会表达谢意:Thank you. 教学重点 1.能熟练地运用句型:What’s this/that in English?,并会用It’s a …来回答。 2.能熟练地运用句型This is for you./It’s for you.来相互赠与礼物。拓展This…is for you./That…is for you. 3.完成练习 教学难点 1.拓展This…is for you./That…is for you. 2.完成练习 教学疑点 是否有必要拓展This…is for you.,学生能否掌握? 教学准备 挂图,卡片,PPT 教学过程 三备 Step 1 Greeting. 1.课前准备:Sing songs and say rhymes Step 2 Warm up 1.Free talk a.上节课要求写对话或者是小故事,请写的好的学生读一读。 b.出示图片对话 A: What’s this/that in English? B: It’s a … puzzle, puppet, a toy bear, a toy panda, 2.Magic eyes 图、词、词组、句子,逐渐增加难度。 It’s, this is, that is, that’s… It’s for you. This is for you. That’s for you. 重点讲解 This is 没有缩写 That is = that’s this cat that CD 出示句子 It’s a toy car .This is for you. =This toy car is for you. It’s a doll. That’s for you. =That doll is for you. 3.Read Cartoon time 注意语音语调。 Step 4 Checkout time--Listen and choose 1.先观察图 What can you see? I can see a white robot. I can see two robots. 如果学生没有说明颜色,教师就问:What colour is it? It’s … 2. Listen and choose 听录音选择,并且复述所听内容,试着把听到的内容写下来。 Step 5 补充习题 完成《补充习题》各项题目,试着把所听到的内容复述并且写一写。 Step 6 Ticking time 根据自己的真实情况打勾 use使用 accept 接受 present 礼物 gift 礼物 Step 6 Homework Finish the exercises. 作业: Finish the exercises. 板书设计 Unit 8 Happy New Year! What’s this in English/Chinese? It’s a … that This … is for you. That … is for you.

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