
Unit 4 After- School Activities.Lesson 20 Join Our Club!课件+练习

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:81次 大小:31754257Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件28张PPT。 After-School ActivitiesUnit 4Join Our Club!Lesson 20 同学们,上一课学习的单词、短语和句型你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧!Look at the pictures above. What clubs do you have at your school? Chess Club Do you want to improve ? your thinking skills?Do you want to make new friends?Join ? our chess club! Chess challenges you and makes you think ? hard. You will learn and have fun at the same time. Club meetings are going to start next week. Join us after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Room 288. Acting Group Acting is fun and useful ?. You can meet lots of new people and improve your social skills. We do lots of role play games in our classes. Everyone can enjoy acting. Join our club and be a star! We meet at the school theatre every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Hope to see you there! Swim Team Swimming isn't just fun—it's also good exercise!You can stay in shape and have a good time. We have lessons for all different levels. We meet after school and on weekends.   Join us today or stop by the pool to learn more. improve/?m'pru?v/ v.提高;改善eg: I want to improve my English. 我想提高我的英语水平。知识点1拓展improvement n.改进,改善 join/d???n/ v.参加eg: My elder brother joined the army last year. 我哥哥去年参了军。知识点2考向一 join sb.(in sth.)意为“加入某人(做某事)”;join sth.指加入某个团体、党派或组织,并成为其中一员。 eg:Do you want to join us? 你想加入我们吗? Can I join the music club? 我能加入音乐俱乐部吗?【重点】考向二辨析join, join in和 take part in【难点】eg:Li Ming takes part in the sports meeting every year. 李明每年都参加运动会。 Can I join the club?我能加入那个俱乐部吗?典例The best way to improve your English is to_____ (加入)an English club.(武汉改编)【点拨】本题采用词义辨析法。take part in是指参加某项工作、活动、运动或事件;join意为“加入”,指加入某种团体、党派、组织。此题中是指参加英语俱乐部,故用join。join【高频】 make sb. do sth.意为“让某人做某事”,被动形式为:“sb. be made to do sth.”;知识点3拓展make sb.+adj.意为“使某人……”。 eg:My teacher makes me study hard. =I am made to study hard by my teacher. 我的老师让我努力学习。 They made the baby very happy. 他们使那个婴儿很快乐。典例The show was so funny that it made everyone _____again and again.(济宁) A.laugh     B.laughed C.Laughing D.To laugh【点拨】采用固定搭配法。句意:这场演出如此有趣,让每个人一次次发笑。make sb. do sth.让某人做某事。A知识点4acting 在句子中作主语,单个的动名词(短语) 在句子中作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 eg:Learning English is very useful. 学习英语是很有用的。拓展action 行动,行为过程;actor 男演员 actress女演员Acting is fun and useful.表演是有趣且有用的。考向一useful/'ju?sfl/adj.有用的;有益的 是由use加后缀-ful派生而来的,反义词为:useless“无用的”。eg:This piece of wood is useful, so you can't take it away. 这块木头有用,所以你不能拿走它。 That is a useful dictionary. 那是一本有用的词典。拓展useful的第一个字母为元音字母u,但其发音为/ju?/, 即第一个音素为辅音音素,因此前面的不 ... ...

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