
Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 单元教案+知识点+练习(无答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:55次 大小:386066Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    The lion and the mouse 单元内容 Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 单元教学总目标 1、能理解、读并复述故事。 2、能听懂、会说、会读词汇:bite, hole, large, sharp, strong, weak, wake up。 3、能听懂、会说、会读表示时间顺序的词组: the next day, just then, from then on。 4、通过课文学习,不轻视别人,学会互相帮助。 课时 1 Story time 集体备课教案 二次备课(手写) 教学目标 1.能理解并会朗读故事。 2.能初步听懂、会读单词large、strong、woke、weak、net、bit、sharp、sadly、hole 3.进一步巩固there be一般过去时,并注意不规则动词过去式的写法和读音。 4.通过学习本课的故事,让学生懂得人与人之间应该互相帮助。 教学重、教学重、难点 1.能理解并会朗读故事。 2.能初步听懂、会读单词large、strong、woke、weak、net、bit、sharp、sadly、hole 3.通过学习本课的故事,让学生懂得人与人之间应该互相帮助。 教学准备 教学设计 Step1: Pre-reading T: Look! Can you guess what my hobby is? S: You like reading, I think. T: Yes. I like reading stories. Do you like stories? What stories do you know? S: The king’s new clothes… T: Today we are going to read another interesting story. Look at the picture. Can you tell me the name? S: The lion and the mouse Unit1 The lion and the mouse T: Look at the lion. What do you think of it? Teach: large strong heavy T: But what is the mouse like? Is it large?... Teach: small weak light Step2: While-reading 1.T: The large and strong lion, the small and weak mouse. What is the story about? First, we know who. What else would you like to know about the story? S: Where? When? What? How? Where? in the forest T: What happened? There are some sentences for you. Let’s read them together. The lion caught the mouse but let it go. The lion and the mouse became good friends. The lion could not get out from the net. The mouse helped the lion get out. The mouse woke the lion up. 3. Read and match 4. Watch and order 5. Read and think Teach: one day, the next day, just then, from then on 6.Read and think Q: Why did the lion let the mouse go? Q: What happened to the lion? Q: How did the mouse help the lion? Picture1&2 Pic2: How did the mouse say to the lion. Quietly How did the lion say to the mouse? Loudly The mouse was afraid. Picture 3-5 Underline the new words and phrases Teach: bite—bit hole How? Sadly happily 7. T: If you were the mouse. What would you say? I am small and weak, but I am clever and brave(勇敢). I can help the lion! Step3: Post-reading Let’s read. Try to retell. T: What do you learn from the story? Sometimes, the strong can be weak.再高的人也有屈身的时候, Sometimes, the weak can be strong.再矮的人也有垫脚的时候。 Everyone is good at something.每个人都有自己的长处 Let’s help each other!让我们互相帮助 Step4: Homework Listen and read the story. Retell the story to your friends or family. Copy and recite the phrases. 板书设计 Unit1 The lion and the mouse One day walked by woke up caught let it go The next day caught with a large net bit couldn’t get out Just then saw made a big hole got out From then on became good friends 教学后记 课时 2 Story time (2) Fun ti ... ...

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