
Unit 6 Colours 课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:79次 大小:2374846Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件40张PPT。Unit6 ColoursSping is green.The trees are green. 绿色。 g-r-e-e-ngreen绿色What colour is Yang ling’s skirt at the beginning?…是什么颜色的?It’s …orange 橙色的orange 橙色 现在;目前It’s green.What colour is it now? It’s red and yellow. 是红黄相间的。 A: What colour is … ? B: It’s …redgreen 绿色 A:What colour is … B:It’s…A:What colour is it? B:It’s…orangeA: Look at my… What colour is …? B: It’s …It’s red and yellow.white白色Black 黑色It’s black and white.brown 棕色的A: Look at my… What colour is …? B: It’s …Look at my skirt. It’s orange.A: Look at my… What colour is …? B: It’s …blue 蓝色What colour is my skirt now?It’s green.Question: 2What colour is my skirt now? It’s green.redblueorangebrownLook and matchgreenyellowblackwhiteThe key is_____.yellowThe ruler is _____.The pen is _____.greenblackWhat shop is it? 这是什么店?It’s an egg shop. 这是一个鸡蛋店。What is Sam asking? 山姆在问什么?Would you like an egg? 你想要个鸡蛋吗?an egg 一个鸡蛋Would you like …? 你想要。。。吗?Yes, please./No, thank you. 是的。/不,谢谢。Learning tipIn the (morning/afternoon/evening), Bobby and Sam are going to an/a ___ (egg/clothes) shop.Bobby ____like an egg. The cock(公鸡) ask them which(哪一种)_____ (colours/shapes形状)?of the eggs they would like? How interesting(有趣) the shop is!Retell the storyredredgreenyellowWhat have you learnt today? (今天你学习了什么?) Colours(颜色) -What colour is it ? (表示想知道某物是什么颜色)-It’s…(回答别人它是什么颜色)Patterns(句型):Topic(主题):Please use them as much as you can! (请多多运用它们哦!)SummaryRed,yellow,white ,black, green,blue, brown,orange The world is colorful. 世界是多彩的。 Let’s make it more beautiful. 让我们将它变得更美丽。Homework 1.Read the words after the tape for 3 times. (听录音并跟读单词3遍。) 2.Collect the colourful things and use the sentence pattern to make new conversations.(收集各色物品,用所学句型复习本节课颜色类单词。) Thank you,everyone!Bye-Bye

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