
湖北宜昌市2017—2018人教英语必修1Unit 3 Travel journal讲解和练习学案(共6份缺答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:26次 大小:753891Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    湖北宜昌市2017—2018人教英语必修1U3课时学案1--2(缺答案) Periods 1&2 Vocabulary 一、【学习目标】 熟读Unit3的所有单词和词组 会写除人名和地名以外的所有单词词组 会熟练运用重点单词词组 二、【自主预习】 I. Word Formation 1. transport (n.) 2. reliable _____(v.)【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 3. finally _____ (adj.) 4. disadvantage _____(oppo.) 5. organize _____(n.) _____ (adj.) 6. determine (adj.)_____(n.) 7. graduate _____/_____(n.) 8. prefer _____ (n.) _____ (pt.)_____(pp.)21·cn·jy·com 9. proper (adv.)_____ (oppo.) II. Key Words and Phrases 1. prefer vi./ vt. 喜欢,宁愿 [研读思考] I prefer to spend the weekend at home. She seems to prefer dogs to cats. She prefers cooking for herself to eating in a restaurant.21*cnjy*com Older?people?often?fear?change.?They?know?what?they?can?do?best.?They?prefer?to?repeat?the successes?rather?than?risk?failure. His father prefers him to be home early. Would you prefer that I come on Monday instead o f on Tuesday?2·1·c·n·j·y [结构归纳] 1. 更喜欢做……_____ 2. 喜欢A胜过B_____ 3. 喜欢做A 胜过做B_____4. 宁愿做……而不愿做……_____ 5. 更宁愿让某人做……_____ 6.宁愿…… _____ [实战演练] (1) My sister _____(宁愿呆在家里) watching TV to going to the cinema. My sister _____(宁愿呆在家里) rather than go to the cinema. (2) I prefer to play outdoors _____ _(而不是玩电脑游戏)in the room. persuade ?vt.?说服;劝说; 使某人相信 [研读思考] Thank you for persuading my mom to let me join the army. His mother persuaded me into learning English. He tried to persuade his father out of drinking. I persuaded him of my good intention. I persuaded Robert that the journey was too dangerous and he didn’t go.21教育网 [结构归纳] 说服某人做某事_____ =_____【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 2. 说服某人不做某事_____=_____ 3. 使某人相信某事_____ [实战演练] (1) I persuaded him into              (放弃那个愚蠢的想法). ? (2) He tried to (让我们相信他的诚实).? (3) I persuaded him _____(不再玩电脑游戏) any more. 3. determine ?vt.?决定;确定;下定决心? [研读思考] (1) Demand determines supply. (2) He determined to go, which made me very sad. (3) He was determined to win the game. (4) I’m determined to do better than Mike. (5) The teacher’s advice determined me to study hard. (6) It takes a lot of determination to become a movie star.【出处:21教育名师】 [结构归纳] 1. 确定......; 决定......_____2. 下定决心做某事_____ 3. 决定做某事_____ 4. 使某人决定做某事_____ [实战演练] (1) They _____(已确定) where the new school will be built.21·世纪*教育网 (2) She _____(决定走)that very afternoon.??21*cnjy*com (3) My mom’s encouragement _____(使我决心继续)my study.? (4) It is your efforts, not your intelligence, .(决定你的成功). (5) We must .(决定下一步做什么)21教育名师原创作品 4. give in 投降;屈服;让步 [研读思考] (1) The enemies were forced to give in. (2) I pressed my parents until they finally gave in and registered me for skating classes. [短语聚会] 1. 向......屈服 _____ 2. 放弃 3. 赠送,捐赠,泄漏 _____ 4. 用完,耗尽 5. 发出,放出(气味、热、光等) [实 ... ...

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