

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:11次 大小:159871Byte 来源:二一课件通
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山东2017秋人教新课标九全英语期末(U1--14)练习附答案 英语试题 一.听力。(20 分) 二.选择填空(共 10 小题,计 10 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 .— Who is girl in front of the library? The one with umbrella? She is our monitor. A: the; a B: the; an C: a; an D: a; the .— Robin is helping his mother prepare for the dinner,Look!He is some dishes on the table. What a good boy! laying out B.giving out C.selling out D.breaking out 23.—The Internet has made communication much more_ . —I agree. People now communicate with friends on Hatcheck any time they. necessary B. important C.convenient D. surprised 24.—More and more people come to visit Binzhou City. —True. I take in our city A. Courage B. Praise C. effort D. pride 25.— How clean your car is! — Thank you. It very often. A. washes B. washed C. is washed D.was washed 26.Wang Jinan is so successful that many people him.21·世纪*教育网 --Yes, he is very hard-working. A. look up B. look up to C. look down upon D. look out of 27.Do you think 15-year-olds should be allowed to have part time jobs? -- They can learn a lot from working. A. I don’t mind B. No, I don’t agree C. Yes, I agree D. I can’t stand it. 28.--what would you like to get your friend as a birthday gift? --I haven’t decided yet. I buy her a tennis. should B. might C. must D. would I hate people laugh at others when they are in trouble. A. who B. which C. where D. when 30--.Do you down ? --Let’s look it up on the Internet Where is France B. What am I supposed to do in France C. Where am I expected to do in France D. What I am supposed to do in France 三、完形填空(共 10 小题,计 10 分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个能填入文中相应空白 处 的最佳答案。 I love eating persimmons(柿子).But you can't get them in summer,You have to wait 31 autumn when they can be harvested .21教育名师原创作品 In Grade 6, 32 my poor grades,my parents were worried that I wouldn't be able to get into a key middle school. They 33 me to study hard,but I didn't really understand 3 4 they were so worried. Summer came,and I worked hard.The hot weather made me sleepy and I couldn’t 3521·cn·jy·com my textbooks .But every time I wanted to stop 36 ,my mom would shout,“Hey you!Think about your future. 37 you don't work hard,you'll regret(后悔) it!”I had to sit back down again and return to my 38 .But all I thought about was playing with my friends and eating persimmons. My mom would say to me,with a serious look on her face :“If a persimmon tree doesn't grow in summer,it can't bear(结出) fruit in autumn!”【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 Although I didn't understand it at the time I gradually came to see the 39 of her words,.A few months later,I managed to get into the key middle school.It was 40 .Walking in my new school,I could see many persimmon trees.The fruit was so red as if it was on fire. My mom was right.I smiled. I had grown through the summer and now it was autumn. 31.A.until B. ... ...

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