
Unit 3 My school calendar PA 同步练习(含听力书面材料无答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:67次 大小:430161Byte 来源:二一课件通
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五年级下册Unit3 Part A 练习卷 Class_____ Name_____ Mark_____ Listening Part(听力部分) 一、Listen and choose.(听音,选出你听到的单词,将序号写到括号里。) ( )1、A. January B. May C. February D. April ( )2、A. Coke B. May C. July D. November ( )3、A .Friday B. June C. China D. March ( )4、A. vacation B. spring C. week D. weekend ( )5、A.May Day B.Father’s Day C. sports meet D.birthday 二、Listen and judge.(听音,判断所听内容与图片相同写“T”否写“F”。) 1. 2.3 .4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三.Listen and choose.(听音,选出正确的答语,把序号填在括号内。) ( ) 1. A. It’s in May. B. It’s in June.21世纪教育网版权所有 ( ) 2. A. I will do my homework. B. I will help my mother do housework. ( ) 3. A. It’s warm and windy. B. It’s cold and snowy. ( ) 4. A. At 12:00. B. On Monday.21cnjy.com ( ) 5. A. It’s in January. B. We have sports meet in January. Writing Part(笔试部分) 四.Read and choose.(找出不同类的单词,将序号填在括号里。) ( )1. A. holiday B. who C. which ( )2. A. birthday B. Children’s Day C. Tree Planting Day ( )3. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. May Day ( ) 4. A Monday B. June C. March ( ) 5. A. April B. autumn C. August 五、Read and judge.(判断划线部分读音是否相同,相同写“T”, 不相同写“F”) ( )1. A. class B. chair C. March ( )2.A.China B. lunch C. child ( )3.A. rain B. say C. May (? )4.A.fish B. sheep C. cheap ( )5.A. fly B. why C. July 六.Read and choose(选择最佳答案,将序号填在括号内。) ( )1. My birthday is _____ May. A. at B. in C. on D. of21教育网 ( )2. _____ is the first month of a year. A. February B. December C. October D. January ( )3. _____ is Children's Day? A. When B. What C. Which D. Why ( )4. ———When is your birthday? ———It's in _____. A. third B. January C. home D. 8:30 ( ) 5. I often play ping-pong _____ my friend. 2·1·c·n·j·y A. for B. in C. on D. With【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 ( ) 6. _____season do you like best? A.When B.Which C.What D.Why ( ) 7.I like June because I can play_____Children’s Day. A.in B.on C.at D.of 七、Read and choose.(读一读,从右栏里找出答语,将序号填在括号内。) ( ) 1. When is your birthday? A.I often watch TV. ( ) 2. What do you do on the weekend ? B. No, he isn’t. ( ) 3. Which season do you like best? C. Yes, it is. ( ) 4. Is Children’s Day in June? D. Cool. ( ) 5. Let’s go to the Great Wall. E. Winter. 八. Read and finish.(读短文,完成下面各题。) Hello, my name is Li Ming. My birthday is June 9th. My mother’s birthday is June 14th. My grandpa’s birthday is June 23th.My grandpa is in America, my grandpa lives with my uncle Bill and aunt Mary in America, so I usually make an e-card to him for his birthday. 21·cn·jy·com My grandma’s birthday is in February, it is very cold in February, then when her birthday is coming ,we often make a snowman and play in the snow for her birthday. 21·世纪*教育网 ( )1.His grandpa lives with his uncles in _____ . A. China B. UK C. America ( )2.How many birthdays are there in June? A. 2 B. 4 C.3 ( )3.What will Li Ming do for his grandpa’s birthday? A. send an ... ...

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