

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:14次 大小:123217Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(冀教版)三年级英语下册期末综合复习 一 、读句子,并与其对应的汉语意思连线。 丹尼早上起床  Danny dose his homework in the afternoon.. 丹尼下午做家庭作业 Jenny likes cereal for breadfast. 丹尼晚上睡觉 Li Ming goes to school. He likes school. 詹妮早餐喜欢吃麦片 Danny goes to bed in the evening. 李明去上学,他喜欢学校 Danny gets up in the morning. 李明早上吃早餐 Li Ming eats lunch in the afternoon. 李明中午吃午餐 Li Ming is reading at home. 李明晚上吃晚餐 Li Ming is talking to his teacher. 李明正在和他的老师交谈 Li Ming eats breakfast in the morning. 李明在家读书 Li Ming eats supper in the evening. 二 、根据意思,写短语。 十一根香蕉_____ 十五支铅笔_____ 十二个饺子_____ 十四本书_____ 三 、选择正确的答案。 ( ) 1. Would you like some tea? A. yes, please. B yes. C no ( ) 2 How much for one hot dog? A. Thanks. B Five yuan. C Yes. ( ) 3 That’s expensive .Are these on sale? A. Yes. B No, thanks C Yes, please.21世纪教育网版权所有 四 、用所给的单词填空。 In the _____.I eat _____.21教育网 In the a_____.I eat _____. In the e_____.I eat _____. Danny and Li Ming are _____now .They want to eat. And they are th_____,too. They want to _____. (word list: morning afternoon evening breakfast lunch supper hungry thirsty drink )21cnjy.com 五 、将对应的答句序号填入问句前的括号内。 How much for one hot dog? A. no, thanks What would you like, please? B twenty What’s your favourite fruit? C yes, please. I’d like a bowl of noodles. May I borrow your pencil? D no, I don’t like it .But I like sugar. Do you have any apples? E yes. Would you like some soup? F sure. How many bottles of juice? G I’d like a hamburger, please. Are you ready to order? H Bananas. Do you like pepper? I five yuan. Are these erasers on sale? J yes, lots of apples. 六、根据汉语意思,选择短语。 两根香蕉( ) 十个桔子( ) 九个面包圈( ) 十三个饺子( ) 六个苹果( ) 1.two bananas 2. ten oranges 3. nine donuts 4. thirteen dumplings 5. six apples 七、读读画画。 1. Draw a boy .He is wearing a green sweater, blue pants, red socks and black shoes. 2.This is my brother. He is tall. Now he is wearing an orange hat, a blue shirt, brown pants and black shoes . The hat is just right .The shirt is too small. The pants are too big and the shoes are too old.2·1·c·n·j·y 根据汉语意思,完成句子 图片在床的上面。 The p_____ is a_____ the _____. 拖鞋在床的下面。 The s_____ is b_____ the _____. 柜子在床的旁边。 The d_____ is b_____ the _____. 电视在床的对面。 The ____ is across _____ the _____ 八、根据汉语提示,完成句子。 我的鞋子刚合适。My shoes are _____. 我的帽子太小了。 My hat is _____. 我的毛衫太大了。 My sweater is _____. 他们正在跳跳绳 。 They are skipping with _____. 他们正在打羽毛球 。They are playing _____. 他们正在放风筝。 They are flying a _____. 九、读句子,排顺序。 ( ) I go to school at seven-thirty in the morning.21·cn·jy·com ( ) I brush my teeth, wash my face and then eat breakfast.【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 ( ) I put on my shirt, pants, socks and shoes. ( ) After supper, I watch TV. ( ) I walk home. ... ...

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