
Unit 6 Be a Champion!Lesson 32 My Favourite Record.课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:81次 大小:12424067Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件19张PPT。Be a Champion!Unit 6 My Favourite RecordLesson 32 Lesson 32 My Favourite Record课文呈现知识讲解…………词汇 听写课堂导入课文1课堂小结课后作业…课堂练习 同学们,上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧!Look at the pictures. They all feel excited when they win. How do you feel when you win a competition?THINK ABOUT IT · Have you ever won a competition?What competition did you win? · How do you feel when you get a prize?Dear Li Ming, This week in school,we made a list of records for our class. My favourite record was for the best paper airplane. Mine flew farther than Jenny's airplane,but Brian's flew the farthest. He was so proud?.My friend Sandra won the record for the largest book. How large was it?It was 60 cm long,40 cm wide and almost 21 cm thick!It was full of her family's photographs. Brian has a book about world records. Some records are hard to believe!One man lifted a bus. Another man pulled a train with his teeth. Isn't that amazing! ? DannyHi Danny, How could the man pull a train with his teeth!A train must weigh? more than 30 000 kilos! I liked reading about your class records. Brian's airplane won?That's great!By the way,our school held its spring sports meet several days ago. I won first place in the long jump and broke the school record!Now I have my own record,too.Well,it's time for me to go to bed. I'll brush my teeth very well tonight. Someday,I might have to pull a train with them! Li MingDanny had fun with his class records. Did you have fun with yours? proud/pra?d/adj.骄傲的;自豪的考向【重点】 proud用法知识点1【高频】proud自尊的,自重的傲慢的,骄傲自大的自豪的,得意的She is too proud to play such a joke on you. 她很自重,不会跟你 开这样的玩笑。He is too proud to join our party. 他太傲慢了,不屑于参加我们的派对。He is proud that he has such a great mother. 他为自己有一位如此伟大的母亲而自豪。与of、不定式或that从句连用典例He won in the story competition and his parents were very _____. (江西) A.smart  B.proud  C.sorry  D.upset【点拨】采用词义辨析法。句意:他赢了故事大赛,他父母非常骄傲。smart聪明的;proud骄傲的;sorry遗憾的;upset沮丧的。B weigh/we?/v.有……重;重 考向一辨析weigh和weight知识点2eg:How much do you weigh?你体重多少?考向二对重量提问,可用:……有多重?How much …weigh? What’s the weight of…? How heavy…?eg:How much does the big dog weigh? =What is the weight of the big dog? =How heavy is the big dog? 这条大狗有多重?典例You can lose w_____ by eating less and exercising more.(济宁改编)eight1)Read the lesson and answer the questions. 1.Whose paper airplane flew the farthest in Danny's class? 2.What record did Sandra set? 3.How large was Sandra's book?What was in it? Let's Do It !Brian's.Sandra won the record for the largest book.It was 60 cm long,40 cm wide and almost 21 cm thick!It was full of her family's photographs.5.What record did Li Ming set in the spring sports meet?He won first place in the long jump and broke t ... ...

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