
Unit 10 In the sky 表格式教案(共3个课时)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:68次 大小:366787Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 10 In the sky Period 1 教案 Contents Look and learn Total: 3 No: 1 Aims 1. The usage of nouns to identify natural objects e.g. the sun, the moon. 2.??To use?imperatives?to?give?simple?instructions?。 e.g.?Look at --. Can you see--? 3. To?teach:?Look at --. Can you see--? 4. Love natural objects. Teaching aids Cassette?2a?and?a?cassette?player. Procedure Step Teacher’s activity Students’ activities Purpose Pre-task preparation Greeting Show a picture, ask: What?can?you see? What colour is it? Greeting Answer: I can see-- It’s--. 复习巩固,为新授做准备。 While-task procedure 1 To learn: sun show the picture of morning, say : Look at the sky, What can you see? Elicit: sun follow the teacher chant: sun sun big and red 2To learn: star 1)Listen to a song: <> 2)show the picture of night. It’s night, Look at the sky, What can you see? Elicit: star 3)Read the word Ask and answer: What can you see? I can see--.How many--? 3 To learn: moon 1) Show the picture of night. guess; what is it? Elicit: moon 2) Read the word 3) Show the flash, ask: Can you see the moon? Elicit: Yes, I can. rhyme: What’s in the sky? It’s the moon. Can you see the moon? Yes, I can see the moon. It’s big and bright. Repeat?several?times. Then one by one. Listen to a song together. Read, use different voices Pair work Work in pairs. Can you see--? Yes, I can. Say the rhyme. 用所学的句型引出新授的内容 运用chant来巩固操练。 整体感知,教师设置语境,灵活运用语言,做到听、说、认读 通过所学的句型进行适当的操练。 教学设计从生活体验转入到语言训练,有助于学生巩固所学知识,提高会话水平。 Post-task activity 1. Listen and tick 2. Listen, judge and respond. 3. Listen to the text 4. Make a short dialogue. T&S1 A model Look at the sky, can you see the --? Yes, I can see--.How many--? Open?the?books. :Listen and repeat. Make a short dialogue. 自编对话,培养学生的交际意识和说话能力。 Assignment Listen?to?the?tape?and?read?the words and sentences. Say and act with parents.?? 板书设计 Unit 1 Look at the sky, can you see the --? Yes, I can see--. How many--? --. 教学反思 Unit 10 In the sky Period 2 教案 Contents Let’s talk Total: 3 No: 2 Aims 1. The usage of yes/no questions to obtain a simple response. e.g. Can you see --? 2. The usage of formulaic expressions to confirm/deny e.g. Yes, I can./No, I can’t. 3. To know more information about ask and answer .e.g. No, I can’t. 4. Love the natural world. Teaching aids media, cassette, Procedure Step Teacher’s activity Students’ activities Purpose Pre-task preparation 1 Listen to a song 2 Show a big sun and a little star, let Ss compare the size. 3 Listen again, let Ss to sing along with the recording. 用歌曲引起学生兴趣,教师自然引入新授内容。 While-task procedure 1 Ask and answer: Look at the classroom, can you see the____? S1:Yes. Hide the object, ask: Now can you see the____? Elicit: No, I can’t. 2 memory game Can you see the --? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t. 3 To learn Picture1 ,2 1) Prepare a picture of the sky, Say: Look at the sk ... ...

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