

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:30次 大小:789785Byte 来源:二一课件通
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八年级上Unit1-Unit10作文集锦 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? Ⅵ.书面表达(15分) 去年暑假,Kate和父母去了巴黎度假。请你以“ The Trip to Paris”为题写一篇70词左右的短文,介绍一下Kate的这次巴黎之旅,可适当增加内容使短文更加流畅自然。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。21cnjy.com 提示短语: last summer vacation, visited the Eiffel Tower, tasted delicious wine and bought something nice, tired but excited21·cn·jy·com The Trip to Paris Kate and her parents visited many big cities around the world. But last summer vacation they went to Paris. They got there by plane and stayed there for five days. When they were in Paris, they visited the Eiffel Tower and many other places of interest there. All of them had a great time. Paris is famous for its delicious wine. So they tasted it. Later, they bought something nice and went to some parties. Although the trip seemed to be short and they were tired, they felt quite excited. Unit 2 How often do you exercise? VI.书面表达(15分) 上周我校对学生课外活动做了调查,情况如下表所示。请根据表格内容作简单介绍,写一篇80词左右的短文. Students Activities Ideas and reasons(理由) 只有15%的学生 每天锻炼 有利于健康和学习,比看电视更放松 90%的学生 每周上网2~3次 能从中学到很多知识,是最有趣的活动之一 45%的学生 每天看电视 可以看到自己最喜欢的人物, 体育节目是最受欢迎的 要求: 1.条理清晰,包括表格中所有信息,可以适当拓展. 2.开头已给出,不计入总词数 A survey about students' after-school activities We did a survey about students' activities after school. Different people have different ideas. Here are the results. 2·1·c·n·j·y Only 15 percent of the students exercise every day. They think it's good for their health and study. Also, they think it is more relaxing than watching TV. 90 percent of the students use the Internet twice or three times a week. They think they can learn a lot from it. And it's one of the most interesting activities. 45 percent of the students watch TV every day. They think they can see their favorite people on it. Of course, the sports shows are the most popular. Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. Ⅵ.书面表达(15分) 假设你是 Frank,而Mike是你的好朋友。你们既有相似的地方,又有不同的地方。请根据表格中提供的信息,把你们两位的情况介绍给其他的朋友。 Name Mike Frank Age ★★★ ★★★ Tall ★★★ ★ Popular ★★★ ★★★ Creative(有创造力的) ★ ★★★ Outgoing ★★★ ★ Schoolwork ★★★ ★★★ 要求: 1.语句通顺,前后连贯。 2.词数:80词左右;开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Mike and I are good friends. We are in the same class. We are similar in some ways and different in other ways. 21世纪教育网版权所有 Mike is the same age as me, but Mike is taller than me. Mike is also more outgoing than me. Of course, I’m more creative than Mike. All of our classmates know us because Mike and I are both popular at school. And Mike is as good at schoolwork as me. We both get good grades.21教育网 Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater? Ⅵ.书面表达(15分) 上周,你们学校举办了一次“城市好场所”的问卷调查。请你根据下面表格中的提示信息写一篇调查报告。80词 ... ...

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