

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:51次 大小:3861578Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件22张PPT。专项训练(一) 词汇一、读一读,判断下列每组单词是(T)否(F)同类。 (  )1.yesterday before tomorrow (  )2.lower better faster (  )3.shorter thinner runner (  )4.dining hall grass gym (  )5.took had ateF T F F T 二、按要求写单词。 1.写出下列单词的过去式。 take_____    buy_____     hurt_____    have_____ sleep_____ ride_____ go_____ read_____tookboughthurthadsleptrodewentread2.写出下列单词的比较级形式。 thin_____ small_____ heavy_____ good_____ big_____ young_____ short_____ strong_____thinnersmallerheavierbetterbiggeryoungershorterstronger三、看图片,圈出正确的短语。????????四、英汉互译。                                     1.前天_____ 2.感冒(过去式)_____ 3.照相(过去式)_____ 4.went fishing_____ 5.bought gifts_____ 6.ate fresh food_____ 7.stay at home_____ 8.fell off_____ 9.look up_____the day before yesterdayhad a coldtook pictures去钓鱼买礼物吃新鲜食物待在家里从……摔下来查阅五、根据汉语提示,选择正确的字母组合。                          (  )1.骑自行车运动(或活动)   cy__ __ing A.lc B.cl C.il (  )2.野营   c__ __p A.am B.em C.ma (  )3.在……之前   bef__ __e A.ri B.ar C.orBAC(  )4.更大的   bi__ __er A.gg B.gi C.eg (  )5.昨天   yest__ __day A.er B.ea C.reAA六、快乐连连看。 1.saw     A.at ho a.待在家里 2.played B.swimming b.洗衣服 3.washed C.a film c.看电影 4.stayed D.football d.去游泳 5.went E.clothes e.踢足球七、将下列单词分类。 A.taller  B.saw   C.ton   D.smaller  E.what   F.how G.cup H.where I.visited J.younger K.who L.older M.watched N.went O.longer P.when Q.won R.meter S.more T.kilogram U.read 1.疑问词:_____       2.动词过去式:_____ 3.形容词比较级:_____       4.量词:_____E F H K PB I M N Q UA D J L O SC G R T八、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.John is _____(thin) than me. 2.Amy usually _____(wash) her clothes on weekends. 3.There _____(be) no library in our school five years ago.thinnerwasheswas4.My brother _____ (watch) TV now. 5.Mike _____(eat) delicious pizza yesterday. 6.—Did you _____(clean) your room last weekend? —Yes,I did. 7.Mike _____(live) in the USA last year.livedcleanis watchingate8.This pear is _____(small) than that one. 9.The bag is very _____(heavy). 10.We _____(stay) at home last night.stayedheavysmaller九、看图,写出相应的短语。 123wash her clothestake pictureswatch TV456see a filmdraw cartoonslisten to music789ride a horseride a bike/go cyclinggo camping十、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。 1.An elephant is h_____ than a monkey. 2.You're 48 kilograms.I'm 50 kilograms.You're t_____ than me. 3.The tree is t_____.It was short three years ago. 4.He d_____ tea with his grandpa yesterday afternoon. 5.Mike is taller than Zhang Peng.But Zhang Peng is s_____ than Mike.eavierhinnerallerranktronger十一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1.The girl fell off her bike.She _____(受伤)her foot. 2.Mike _____(买) g ... ...

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