
unit 6 Do you like bananas ? section A1a-2c课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:72次 大小:11784349Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Group work 1.采访两名同学Do you like…? Yes , I do.No , I don’t. 填写表格.(Y for Yes,N for No) 2.根据你所填写的表格写report. Food Name I Report: Hello,everyone.My name is...I like 课件21张PPT。Unit 6 Do you like bananas?Section A 1 1a-2d Section A 1a-2cI like bananas. Let's chant Apple Apple , on the tree Banana Banana , one two three Strawberry Strawberry,So so sweet Orange Orange , all for me ! bananatomatoorangepearstrawberrysaladhamburgermilkWhat’s this/that in English?breadice-creamWhat are these?bananaspearstomatoesstrawberrieshamburgers可数名词:countable nouns orangesice creammilksalad不可数名词:uncountable nouns breadWhat is it?hamburgers tomatoes oranges ice-cream salad bananas strawberries pears milk breaddifhbgcjea1aMatch the words with the things in the picture.挑战你的眼力hamburgersaladbreadpeartomatostrawberrymilkbananaice-creamorange闯关 一 挑战你的感受力 secret box闯关 二Listen and number the conversations [1-3].1bA: Do you like salad? B: No, I don’t.A: Do you like bananas? B: Yes, I do.A: Do you like oranges? B: Yes, I do.231 挑战你的听力(1)闯关 三 Happy train 小组接力赛S1: Do you like bananas? S2: Yes, I do. No, I don't. Do you like apples? S3: … S4: … S5: … 挑战你的速度闯关 四Listen and circle the food you hear.2ahamburgers pears tomatoes strawberries oranges ice-cream salad bananasP32 挑战你的听力(2)闯关 五2bListen again. Fill in the blanks.hamburgerstomatoestomatoesice creamice creamP32food surveyFoodNameHello, everyone. My name is…I like strawberries and ice-cream ,but I don’t like hamburgers. My friend Lily likes ice-cream, but she doesn’t like tomatoes or hamburgers. Jim likes strawberries and hamburgers,but he doesn’t like tomatoes.Report:Group Work Make a survey and report it. 1、全体起立,3人一小组,采访两名同学Do you like…? Yes , I do.No , I don’t. 2、根据你所填写的表格写report. Let’s showTip: Speak aloud , you may get more fruits! 温馨提示:声音响亮会有额外的收获哦!Do you like bananas?The listening skill—key wordsHow to write a reportNew words of food(cn.ucn.)Talk about what other People like? what have you learnt in this class?Summary Food in LongnanFoodName Make a survey.(做调查,询问父母喜欢吃和不喜欢吃的事物) Ask your parents what food they like or dislike.My father likes _____,_____and_____. But he doesn’t like _____,_____or_____. My mother likes_____,_____ and_____. But she doesn’t like_____,_____ or _____.Report: HomeworkCongratulations to youRemember:A balanced diet is very important.

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