
Lesson 2 What do you see? 教案

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:25次 大小:119731Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 Back to School Lesson 2 What Do You See? 教案1 一、目标要求 1.让学生理解并会说blackboard, paper, scissors, crayons and what do you see? 2.通过实际训练,让学生会熟练用英语进行简单的对话。 3.让同学掌握对看到的东西进行提问和回答。 二、重点难点 能听、说、读 crayon和blackboard。 三、教具准备 card,students’ book,tape,recorder。 四、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming-up 1.教师热情地和学生打招呼问好,复习上一课所学的内容。 2.教师和学生一起拍手说学上一节课所学的英语单词。 3.教师和学生一起做游戏,猜单词。 教师把写有相应单词的卡片分给学生,老师说一个单词,手中持有该单词卡片的学生快速举起手中的卡片。反应慢了的同学就要受罚,教师对表现突出的同学发送小礼物表示奖励。 Step2 Learn Listen and say. T: Look at the fourth page of our textbook, please.21世纪教育网版权所有 1. Read those contents and the teacher explain these to students.21cnjy.com 2. Listen and say 3. Work in pairs to act these new learned contents, please.21·cn·jy·com Step3 Greet and say goodbye T: Hi. Ss: Hello T: What do you see? S1: I see desks. T: What do you see? S2: I see a blackboard. T: What do you see? S3: I see a pen. T: What do you see? S4: I see a book. T: What do you see? S5: I see a bird. T: What do you see? S6: I see a chair. T: What do you see? S7: I see a boy. (Work in pairs) 五、家庭作业 Write down the new words on the textbook, each for three times.21教育网 Practice new learned sentences with your friends.

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