
Lesson 20 Traffic Lights 教案(2份)

日期:2024-05-14 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:65次 大小:240070Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 4 Let’s Go and Play! Lesson 20 Traffic Lights 教案2 一、目标要求 1.让学生会说会写traffic, light, wait 和what do you see? 2.通过实际训练,让学生会熟练运用traffic, light, wait 和what do you see? 二、重点难点 能听、说、读traffic, light, wait 和what do you see? 三、教具准备 Card,students’ book,tape,recorder。 四、教学步骤 Step 1 Warm-up (The teacher stands at the stage and let students to review the lesson we learned last class) T: Review all the letters we have learned last class.21世纪教育网版权所有 (The teacher stands in front of the class and ask students what’s they know about traffic) T: Do you know something about the traffic? Ss: Yes, I know. T: Can you tell us something about that? (The teacher looks at individual students, asking this question and prompts them to answer. Then put a traffic lights picture on the blackboard.)21cnjy.com T: What do you see? Ss: I see the traffic lights. (The teacher gets three or four students to come to the front of the classroom.) T: What do you see? S1: I see the traffic lights. T: What do you see? S2: I see the red light. T: What does this means? S2: It means stop! T: What do you see? S3: I see the yellow light. T: What does this means? S3: It means wait! T: What do you see? S4: I see the green light. T: What does this means? S4: It means go! Step 2 Presentation 1. Play a game. (Give students the cards of the words and let students do the game. The teacher say to the students: I want a word park? Then, the students find the word as quickly as they can. The quicker one will get a present. The teacher does an example.)21教育网 2. Listen to the tape, please. Find some students to perform this situation on the stage. 五、家庭作业 1. Write down the new words on your notebook. 2. Practice the new sentences with your friends. Unit 4 Let’s Go and Play! Lesson 20 Traffic Lights 教案1 一、目标要求 1.让学生理解并会说traffic, light, wait 和what do you see? 2.通过实际训练,让学生会熟练掌握what do you see? 3.让同学学会辨别红绿灯以及代表的意思。 二、重点难点 能听、说、读traffic, light, wait 和what do you see? 三、教具准备 Card,students’ book,tape,recorder。 四、教学步骤 Step 1 Warm-up 1.教师热情地和学生打招呼问好,复习上一课所学的内容。 2.教师和学生一起拍手说学上一节课所学的英语单词。 3.教师和学生一起做游戏,猜要新学的单词。 教师把写有相应单词的卡片分给学生,老师说一个单词,手中持有该单词卡片的学生快速举起手中的卡片。反应慢了的同学就要受罚,教师对表现突出的同学发送小礼物表示奖励。 Step 2 Preparation 1.教师和学生一起做游戏,猜要新学的单词。 (教师制作一些新学单词的图片,并在卡片背面画上图面的名称)听音乐,传卡片。拿到卡片的孩子到前面表演造句子。教师提问:“What’s this?” 孩子回答“This is...” 孩子们试着提问:“What’s this?” 得到小卡片的同学根据情况回答。 2.学生小组间的问答:“What’s this?” “This is...” (根据孩子接到的图片回答) 3.教师播放对话部分的课件, 学生观看。跟读对话、模仿,分角色给课件配音。 4.小组分角色练习。 Step 3 Introduction 1.让学生尝试对交通信号灯用英语进行表达(设计意图:通过尝试 ... ...

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