
Unit 4 When is Easter PA Let’s spell 课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:78次 大小:1341243Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件31张PPT。Unit4 When is Easter?A Let’s spellPhonics thPart A Let's learnThere’re some special days in a year.-When is …………? -It's on …….1st.Children's Day January 1st April Fool's Day April 1st China's National Day June 1st New Year's Day October 1stthHe is my friend. What’s he like?He is tall and thin.He is thirteen.How old is he? He is thirteen. He likes three. He likes three.He likes maths.thirteenmathsthinLet's saythreethththLook and say.Look and sayLook and say.toothLook and say.birthdayLook and say.birthdayLook and say.It’s my brother’s birthday.This is my brother.That is my father.This is my mother.th第二种情况:发 /e/舌尖微微伸出,上下齿轻轻咬住舌尖,气流从舌齿间通过,发音时声带 振动。thatmothertherfathertherLet's saythisfththLook and say.Look and say.Look and say.Look and say.Marchin...more daysthisfifththirdbrothermotherOh, I find my home!Can you find their home?threefatherthatthesethirteenthinmouth Read and choose2 ( ).A that B three C those3( ).A mouth B clothes C tooth1( ).A third B fifth C theseCBB4( ).A mother B father C mathsC1.字母组合th在数词(包括基数词和序数词)中读清辅音/θ/。 例:three/θri:/,third/ θ?:d/, 2.th 在代词中读浊辅音/e/ 例:this those 3.在th后以字母-er结尾的单词中,th读浊辅音/e/。 例:father/‘fa:e?/,? whether/’we e?/2 4.以th结尾的单词,th读清辅音/θ/。 例:mouth tooth tipsThat is her brother.His mother is a maths teacher.

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