

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:50次 大小:6036361Byte 来源:二一课件通
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嵊州市2017学年第一学期期末学业调测 八年级英语参考答案及评分标准 听力材料: 第一节:听小对话,回答问题。每段对话只读一遍。 1. W: It’s so good to see the sun again. M: Yes. But the radio says it will be cloudy tomorrow. 2. W: You look tired, Lucy. Have you got a cold? W: No. I just stayed up doing homework last night. 3. W: Hi, taxi. M: Yes, madam. Where would you like to go? W: The post office near the bus station, please. 4. W: May I see you at 9 o’clock this morning, Mr. White? M: Sorry, I’ll have a meeting at 9:15. You can come at 10. W: OK. 5. W: Good news, Dad! I’ve got the first prize in the singing competition. M: Good for you, dear! 第二节:听较长对话,回答问题。每段对话读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6–7小题。 M: Hi, Jenny. You look unhappy. What’s the matter? W: I got up late this morning and ran to school. M: So what happened then? W: I was late for school and Mr. White was angry with me. M: Bad luck. Maybe you should get up earlier. W: I guess so. And I’m going to ride the bike to school tomorrow. It is faster. 听下面一段较长对话,回答第8–10三小题。 M: Hi, Lucy. Do you have any plans for this weekend? W: Yes, Mike. I’m going to spend the weekend in Sydney. M: Sydney? That sounds nice. Are you going to visit a friend there? W: No, I’m going to stay with my cousin Jack. We’re going to walk in the mountains and visit some old buildings. M: That sounds great. Not like my weekend. W: Why? What are you going to do? M: I’m going to study. I have a math test on Monday. W: Oh, poor you! M: Well, maybe. On Saturday evening I’m going to watch a movie with some friends. W: Oh, yes. Jack and I are going to see a movie on Sunday, too. 第三节:听独白,回答问题。独白读两遍。 Hello, everyone! Welcome to our school. I am glad to talk about something about our clubs. The first is the sports club. It owns teams of basketball, football, volleyball and ping-pong. Each team has thirty members. The activities are on Tuesday afternoon. Teachers from the city teams will give classes. The students come here to improve their skills. The next is the art club. A famous art teacher from an art college works here. He is quite popular with students. There are forty students learning from him. Some of their pictures are beautiful. The art club is open on Wednesday afternoon. The music club is the most popular one in our school. Students come to learn to sing, play drums and dance. It has the most students of all the clubs. It has the activities every Friday afternoon. 参考答案: 一、听力部分 1-5 CCBCA 6-10 BCABC 11-15 CBCAB 二、完形填空 16-20 BDADB 21-25CBBCA 三、阅读理解 26-30 ABBCA 31-35BDDDB 36-40 BCCBB 四、词汇运用 41-45. broke, unless, cheaply, himself, common 46-50.enough,comfortably,fact,programs,almost 51-55worst,Teenagers,able,surprised, relationship 五、语法填空 56-60 mother’s, first, to make, He, became 61-65 to,truly, Although/Thought, won, the 六、任务型阅读 66-69 ACDB 70. He drew a red line below the knee of each child. 七、书面表达(略) 附 ... ...

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