
人教版新课标必修1 Unit 2-5 Using language 学案与同步练习

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:44次 大小:293095Byte 来源:二一课件通
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21世纪教育网 –中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 2 English around the world 黑龙江省哈尔滨市 邱尚瑛 学案与同步练习 Unit 2-5 Using language I. Read the passage first, then close your book and fill in the blanks. 1. _____, there is no such thing as _____. 2-1-c-n-j-y 2. However, on _____ you will hear _____ people speak. 3. When people use _____ different from the “standard language”, it _____. 21*cnjy*com 4. Geography also _ _____. Some people who live in the mountains of the eastern USA speak with an older kind of _____. 【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 5. So peopl e _____ in the southeastern USA speak with almost _____ people in the northwestern USA. 【出处:21教育名师】 【参考答案】 1. Believe it or not; standard English 2. TV and radio; differences in the way 3. words and expressions; is called a dialect 4. plays a part in making dialects; English dialect【版权所有:21教育】 5. from the mountain ; the same dialect as II. Finish the char t according to the phonetics given, don’t look at your textbook. 请不要看教科书根据所给音标完成下列表格。 phonetics words Chinese [ k spre n] [ da lekt] [ m d'west n] [ fr k n] [ sp n ] [ ne b r ] [d i gr fi] [ rek gna z] 【参考答案】 phonetics words Chinese [ k spre n] expression 表示,表达,表情 [ da lekt] dialect 方言,土语 [ m d'west n] midwestern 美国中西部的 [ fr k n] African 非洲的,非洲人 [ sp n ] Spanish 西班牙语,西班牙人 [ ne b r ] neighbouring 邻近的,接壤的 [d i gr fi] geography 地理,地形 [ rek gna z] recognize 承认,识别 III. Make sentences using the words or phrases given in brackets. (使用所给词汇造句。) 1. 今年的气候同往年一样。(the same as) 2. 我们可以这样表示那个等式。(express) 3. 世界上不存在所谓生而知之的天才。(there is no such) 4. 信不信由你,我告诉你的都是事实。(believe it or not) 5. 他感兴趣的是我们的生活方式。(the way...) 6. 我们村跟从前大不一样了。(different from) 7. 我在做运动,它叫做太极拳。 (it is called) 8. 肢体语言在交流中起着重要的作用。(plays a part in) 【参考答案】 1. The weather of this year is the same as that of the past years. 2. We can express that equation like that. 3. There is no such thing as a genius born with knowledge. 21教育网 4. Believe it or not, what I have told you is all true. 21·cn·jy·com 5. He is interested in the way we live. 6. Our village is very different from what it was before. 7. I was doing my exercise. It is called Taiji. 2·1·c·n·j·y 8. Body language plays an important part in communication. IV. Translate the following into English. 1. 地理位置对方言的形成也起着重要的作用。 2. 当人们用不同于“标准语言”的词语时,那就叫做方言 3. 在电视和收音机里,你也会听出人们在说话时的方式有差异。 4. 信不信由你,世界上没有白吃的午餐。 5. 我们和那样的人没有共同语言。 6. 他讲的汉语和山东人讲的汉语不一样。 7. 虽然他们已经十几年没有见面了,但他们可以立刻认出对方来。 8. 地理是他的弱项。 【参考答案】 1. Geography also plays a part in making dialects.21世纪教育网版权所有 2. When people us e words and expressions different from the “standard language ... ...

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