
Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.单元检测题(含听力音频+参考答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:64次 大小:7202814Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    21世纪教育网 –中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2017-2018学年度第一学期 九年级英语单元检测题(十四) Class_____Name_____Number_____Score_____ 1、听力理解(每小题1分,满分20分) 第一节、听句子,根据句子的内容选择正确的图片回答问题,每段录音听一遍。 (  )1. A. B. C. (  )2. A. B . C. (  )3. A. B. C. (  )4. A. B. C . (  )5. A. B. C. 第二节、听对话,根据每段对话的内容选择正确答案回答问题。每段录音听两遍。 请听第一段对话,完成第6小题 (  )6. What are they going to do for the graduation ceremony A. Make cards for their teachers.         B. Decorate their classroom. C. Buy some gifts for their teachers and friends. 请听第二段对话,完成第7小题 (  )7. What grade are the two speakers in A. Grade Seven. B. Grade Eight. C. Grade Nine. 请听第三段对话,完成第8小题 (  )8. How will they keep their friendship after graduation A. By sending e mails. B. By chatting on the Internet. C. By calling each other. 请听第四段对话,完成第9小题 (  )9. How long has Miss Zhang worked in this school A.In 2004. B. Since 2003. C. Before 2005. 请听第五段对话,完成第10小题 (  )10. What did the boy do yesterday evening A. He watched a football match.        B. He watched a basketball match. C. He worked on his report. 请听第六段对话,完成第11-12小题 ( )11.What is Jane busy with A. Her summer camp. B. Her plan for a trip. C. Her final exam. ( )12.What does Jane think of going camping A. It's cheap. B. It's not safe. C. It's close to nature. 请听第七段对话,完成第13-15小题 ( )13.Has Susan ever been to Xiangyang A. Yes, she has. B. No, she hasn't. C. We don't know. ( )14.When is Mike leaving for Xiangyang A.At 6:50 a. m. today.  B. At 6:50 a. m. tomorrow. C.At 6:50 p. m. tomorrow. ( )15.Who will travel with Mike A. His friends. B. Susan. C. His family.21·世纪*教育网 第三节、听填信息,请听一篇关于学习英语的短文,根据短文大意完成信息采集表。短文听两篇。 STUDY ENGLISH IN AMERICA Country Tina comes from (16)_____. Weekend Activity Tina visits(17)_____ on Sundays. Location Tina's host family is in a (18)_____ area. TV Program Tina always watches(19)_____ in the evening. Study Time Stay for (20)_____ and study English as Tina does! 1、 2、单项选择(每小题1分,满分15分) ( ) 1. Matt was late for school three times in _____row last week. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 ( ) 2. —What are you going to do tomorrow, Li Bin —I'm going to Green High School to do an outdoor activity_____. A. method B.agreement C. survey D. block ( ) 3. My teacher helped me to_____the answers myself no matter how hard they were. A.put out B. work out C. take out D. get out ( )4.Ten years_____since my aunt _____to Beijing. A.have gone by; comes B. has gone by; came C. went by; will come D. has gone by; has come ( )5. —What are you looking forward to —I am looking forward to _____ my friends. 21教育网 A.meets B. meet C. met D. meeting ( )6. My child, you’ve _____so much and I’m so proud of you. A. grown out B. grown up C. grown in D. grown down ( ) 7. There _____ a meeting tomorrow afternoon. A. will b ... ...

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