
人教版必修五英语Unit 2 The United Kingdom课件 (4份打包)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:88次 大小:8501451Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件45张PPT。Unit 2《Section Four Using Language》课件 2Using Language (II) Listening, Speaking & WritingTask 1Listening (page 15)1. Before you listen to the tape, look at the royal family trees. In pairs and in turn ask and answer these questions Who was the sister of the Queen Mary? Who was Queen Mary’s father? Who was King Edward V’s uncle? Who were King Edward IV’s sons?Pre-listeningKing Henry VIII 1509-1547Edward VI 1547-1553Mary 1553-1558Elizabeth I 1558-1603Duke of YorkEdward IV 1461-1483Richard III 1483-1485Edward V 1483-1483Richard 1. Who was the sister of the Queen Mary? Elizabeth later Queen Elizabeth I.2. Who was Queen Mary’s father ? King Henry VIII. 3. Who was King Edward V’s uncle? Richard III.4. Who were King Edward IV’s sons? Edward V and Richard.2. Look again at the names of these English Kings and queens as you listen to Parts 1 and 2 of the tape. Tick the ones you hear about.Ticks for brother King Edward V and Richard III (sons of King Edward IV); King Edward Ⅳ ; Richard (later King Richard III); Queen Mary; Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth I)1. Which king on the list was one of the princes in the Tower? How do you know? Prince Edward was one of the princes murdered in the Tower. We know because:3. Listen to Part 1 and then answer the questions.2. Who had the two princes killed? King Richard III killed the princes because he wanted to become king.both were princes both were young boys their uncle was Richard who later became King Richard III.ZP: Who _____ to the Tower as a prisoner? G: A _____ queen. In the 1500s Queen _____ sent her sister _____ Elizabeth, to the _____as a prisoner. ZP: _____! Why did she do that?camefutureMary PrincessTower Strange 4. Listen to part 2 and fill in the blanks belowG: She _____ Elizabeth was a traitor. So she sent Elizabeth _____ a special gate called “_____ Gate .” That only _____ to very bad people. thoughtthroughTraitors’happenedTask 2Listening (Page 52)1. King James was a Catholic. 2. King James supported Protestants. 3. He never allowed the Catholics to practise their religion. List to Part 1 and decide which sentences are true and which are false.FTF4. The king thought there were few Catholics at first. 5. The king was consistent in his attitude towards the Catholics. 6. The interview supported the king.TFFListen to Part 2 and answer the questions.Why did King James change his attitude to the Catholics? Why was he afraid of the Catholics? Why didn’t he want England to be a Catholic country?4. Did King James talk about his worry to Fawkes and Catesby? 5. Why did the interviewer say that the king had brought about the conflict?Keys for them:King James changed his attitude to the Catholics because he was frightened when he saw how many of them there were. All the countries that were friendly to England were Protestant and all the countries that were not friendly were Catholic.3. Then he would lose the friendship of all the Protestant countries. 4. No, he didn’t. 5. The king chang ... ...

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