
Unit 2 Can I help you ? Lesson 8 课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:32次 大小:1895678Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件19张PPT。Unit 2 Can I help you?Lesson 8Let’s act the dialogue.1)Can I help you ? 2)Which one do you like ? 3)How much is it ? toy traintoy planetoy shiptoy boat toy planetoy taxitoy shiptoy boattoy trainWhat’s missing:How much is it ? 10¥15¥50¥20¥ toy planetoy taxi13¥toy shiptoy boattoy trainLet’s act the dialogue.Let’s act- Hello, can I help you? - Yes, I want a …Let’s act- Which one do you like? - I like blue one.Let’s act- How much is it? - It’s …Let’s act in pairs.Let’s chantShe and he. How happy they will be . You and me . How busy we will be. Homework (1)Copy the new phrases and words 。 (2)Do the exercises book. Thank you

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