
Unit 6 Meet my family! PA Let’s talk 课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:46次 大小:6111567Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件42张PPT。Unit 6 Meet my familyPartA Let's talkLet's chanttreefamilysisterFather(Dad)Mother(Mum)Grandfather (Grandpa)Grandmother (Grandma)familytreefamilyFather(Dad)Mother(Mum)+=parents Come and meet my family.My family has 3 people. How many people are there in your family?Family ,family , in your family , How many people are there in your family ? Let's chant !Family ,family , in your family , are there in your family, How many people are there in your family ? Let's chant !This family has … people . How many people are there in this family?How many people are there in this family?This family has … people . How many people are there in this family?This family has … people . How many people are there in your family?My family has … people . Come and meet your family.How many people are there in Xiao Xin’s family?How many people are there in Xiao Xin’s family?Xiao Xin’s family has 5 people .They are Xiao Xin’s parents.Who are they?Who are they?They are Xiao Xin and his baby sister. Who are they?They are Xiao Xin and little puppy. Xiao Xin’s family has 5 people .Let's talkLet's talk有多少人?三个。你家里有多少人?有我家有六口人。但我但那也只有五个 呀?还有我的小狗。Listen and answer 1. How many people are there in Chen Jie's family?2. Who are they?3. How many people are there in Amy's family?4. Who are they?Three.Her parents and her.Six.Her dad, her mum, her sister, her baby brother, her little puppy and her.Let's readDo you remember? _____A: How many _____ are there _____ ?peoplein your familyB: Three .My parents and me .A: My family has six people.and me.B: But that’s _____ five.onlyA: And my little _____!B: Six?puppyA: My dad, my mom, my sister,my baby brother Can you finish it?A:How many people are there in your family ?B:My family has … people . A:B:Who are they?…… .No.1No.3No.2No.4No.5Your family Xiao Xin’s famliyTutu’s famliyLiu Xin’s famliyMomoko’s famliyHow many /girls/apples/pens/books are there? Let’s countFoursixnineeightHow many books are there on the desk?Three.How many apples are there under the tree?Two. How many … are there in the picture?I love my family!Homework1.Read the new dialogue and act it. 2. Make a survey: How many people are there in your friend’s family ? Thank you !

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