
Unit 4 Then and now PB Let’s learn 课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:46次 大小:14482432Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件30张PPT。Unit4Then and nowB. Let’s learnLet’s chant! Playground, playground. Let’s run, let’s run. Grass, grass. Play football, play football. Gym, gym. Play basketball, play basketball. Dining hall, dining hall. Have lunch, have lunch.Bomb time! 选出你认为不是炸弹的单词读一读。grassBomb time!gymdining hallwasAmericansmoonlastyearhillagotwentyBomb time!Internetvisityears agoonlybuildingstarsmoonlikedtook1969last monthknowGuess!taxibusbikeride a bikego cyclingCycling, cycling, I can go cycling.Cycling, cycling, I can go cycling.Cycling, cycling, I can’t go cycling.Cycling, cycling, she can go cycling.go cycling Before, I couldn't go cycling. Now, I go cycling every day.can 原形 could 过去式I can play _____. I can’t play _____.badmintonplay badmintonBefore, I couldn't play badminton. Now, I can play badminton very well.Can you play badminton?Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.A: B:Can you ice-skate?ice-skateBefore, I didn‘t like , I thought it was too cold.winterthink thoughtWinter was too cold. I couldn’t _____.Before, I didn‘t like , I thought it was too cold.winterthink thoughtI couldn’t go cycling.ice-skateNow I love to ice-skate. So I like winter.I didn’t like _____ before.mathsonioncatslike 的用法I like I don’t likeI liked I didn’t likelike + 名词(复数) like+ 动词ingI like reading books. I like to read books. like= loveI like drawing pictures. I like to draw pictures.like + 动词的 ing 形式 like to + 动词原形I love togo cyclingice-skateplay badmintonthink thought你能说出下面短语的过去式吗?go cyclingplay badmintonthinkdocanwent cyclingplayed badmintonthoughtdidcouldice-skateice-skatedWu Yifan: I didn’t like winter before. I thought it’s too cold, and I couldn’t go cycling. Mike: How about now? Wu Yifan: Now I love to ice-skate, so I like winter.画龙点睛I didn’t like winter before. 我以前不喜欢冬天。 didn’t 是did的否定, 动词过去式句子中否定的构成: didn’t+动词原形 I couldn’t go cycling. 我不能骑自行车。 couldn’t是could的否定式 检测练兵用下列所给词的适当形式填空: 1、There weren’t any _____ (computer) at all. 2、Could you_____ (see) stars at night? 3、One day I’m going to_____(visit) the moon. 4、There _____(be) no gym in my school ten years ago. computersseevisitwas任务三:我会说。Allen Diana JoeBefore, Allen couldn’t _____. Now he can _____. Before, Diana couldn’t ____. Now she can _____. Before, Joe couldn’t _____. Now he can _____.选其中一句来说一说。Listen,match and sayAllenJoeDiana任务一:删除你没有听到的图片。任务二:将人物与图片配对。Homework1.Listen and repeat P37 5 times. 2.Copybook. Thank you!

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