
Unit 2 Travelling.第一课时 Comic strip & welcome to the unit(课件+教案+练习)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:54次 大小:12246947Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    21世纪教育网 –中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津译林版英语八年级下册Unit 2 Travelling Comic strip & welcome to the unit课时教学设计 课题 Travelling Comic strip & welcome to the unit 单元 Unit 2 学科 English 年级 八年级 学习目标 1. According to the passage to understand some of the domestic and foreign famous places of interest. 2. To learn to talk about place of interest and the related background. 重点 According to the pass age to understand some of the domestic and foreign famous places of interest. 难点 To learn to talk about place of interest and the related background. 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Step 1. Free talkDo you like travelling Do you know any places of interest in Shuyang Do you know any places of interest in China Do you know any places of interest in the world 说说你了解的一些地方 通过讨论引出本课话题 讲授新课 Step 1. Lead in1.Do you know them 展示一些图片,让学生谈论。Learn more about the places:展示一些图片,向学生介绍这些图片上的景点名称、地点及其特别的地方。Step 2. Presentation1.Let’s see who has the best memory展示图片,由学生回忆图片上的景点的相关信息2. Read and match将景点和所在国家连线3. Read and match将景点图片和相应的介绍连线4.Listen and answer(1)Where is the Little Mermaid (2) What’s special about it Step3 Pair work练习活动2的对话并仿照组成新对话If you have a chance (机会) to travel abroad (出国旅游), where will you go Why Step4 PracticeEddie wants to go t ravelling. Let’s listen to the dialogue between Eddie and Hobo and answer some questions.1.观看flash并回答问题:(1)Where is Eddie going (2)Does Hobo want to go too (3)Will Eddie have a happy holiday Why 2.Listen and read3.Language points:(1)现在进行时的用法(2) join 的用法(3)复合句的用法4.Fill in the blanks:Eddie is going on a _____ .Hobo thinks it must be fun and wants to ____ Eddie. They will go ____for a few days .So Hobo is so _____and he ____ everything. But Eddie won’t have a happy _____because he has to _____ Hobo’s heavy bag!Step 5 Phrases summary1.去旅行go on a trip2.肯定很有意思must be fun3.带…出门take…out4.看美景see the beautiful view5.去滑雪go skiing6.照相take photos7.随身带…bring sth with sb8.拿着包take the bag9.去远足go hiking10.快点come onStep 6 Role PlayStep 7 Exercise用适当形式填空1.Is the Tower Bridge the _____(象征) of Britain 2.People can go _____(滑雪)there.3.How do you spend your _____(假期).4.Where can you see the beautiful v_____?5.The _____(exci te) people are waiting for the _____(excite) news outside the gate.6.I have _____(be) there many times.7.what about _____(go) hiking tomorrow 8.we are happy _____(see) the view.Step 8 Homework1. Listen to the tape 2. Finish the exercise book3. Preview the new words in Reading. 谈论一些熟悉的地方学习一些不太熟悉的景点地名及相关信息回忆刚刚学习过的景点将景点和所在国家连线阅读句子,与相应的景点连线听对话并回答问题朗读活动2对话,选择展示的图片编新对话观看动画,回答问题听读学习对话重点语法根据课文填空朗读并翻译对话中重点短语角色扮演,表演对话完成习题完成家庭 ... ...

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