
Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? Section A 课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:79次 大小:842240Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件13张PPT。Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? Section A1a Match the words with the peopledance v .跳舞;舞蹈swim v. 游泳sing v. 唱歌;唱paint v.画画We like English!speak English v. 说英语play chess 下国际象棋play the guitar 弹吉他playplay与体育类词语连用时不加定冠词the e g. play basketball play volleyball play ping-pong play chess play与乐器类词语连用时要加定冠词the e g. play the guitar play the piano play the drum play the violinabcdefgMatch the words and the people. 1. dance____a2. swim___e3. sing_____f4. play chess___b5. paint____ 6. speak English____ 7. play the guitar____dcgI’m a cat.Words Exercises单词连线 dance a 唱歌 swim b 下国际象棋 sing c 跳舞 play chess d 游泳 paint e弹吉他 speak English f 画画 play the guitar g 说英语 Words Exercises单词连线 dance a 唱歌 swim b 下国际象棋 sing c 跳舞 play chess d 游泳 paint e弹吉他 speak English f 画画 play the guitar g 说英语 改错 1.Yao Ming play the basketball. 改: 2.Lang Lang is playing piano. 改: Yao Ming plays basketball.Lang Lang is playing the piano.Listen and number the conversations[1--3].( ) A: Can you swim? B: No, I can’t. ( ) A: I want to join the art club. B: Can you paint? A: Yes, I can. ( 1 ) A: I want to join the music club. B: Oh, can you sing? A: Yes, I can. 23(can't=can notcannot)join:参加;加入,通常指加入某种团体或组织,成为其中的一员。 e g. join the Party 入党 join the swimming club 参加游泳俱乐部 club:社团;俱乐部 e g. English club art club music club chess club swimming clubjoin the club 同样倒霉join the sing music club dance dancing club swim swimming club paint art club speak English English club play the guitar guitar club play chess chess club play basketball basketball club play ping-pong ping-pong clubI want to join the…I can… Can you……? ; http://www.yamusi360.com 旅馆床垫 vdg63wgv 面还有一大片可以灌溉的肥沃水田呢。所以,即使大量坡地上的所有作物全都颗粒无收,水田里收的粮食也好歹能对付上一阵子。仅就这一点,已经很让周围全旱地村庄的人们羡慕不已了。总之,这里虽然说不上有多么富庶,但乡民们靠着勤劳耕种,过着有滋有味、简单而快乐的小日子,倒也自由自在,并不在乎岁月的流逝。事实上,小镇上的多数人家所关心的,只是四季的交替和庄稼长的好坏;所期盼的,除了能够有一个风调雨顺的好年景之外,再就是家里的老人们都身体硬硬朗朗的,娃儿们都聪明伶俐,健健康康地快快长大,以及那一个个繁华热闹的“三六九”集市日了。倘若站在高处远远望去,这个小镇连同青石山、清泉池和一片树林,看起来就像是一只展翅欲飞的凤凰。串联起近千户人家房舍的十字大街是她的身子和双翅;镇子北面的青石山恰好是她头顶上的漂亮羽冠;青石山西南方向的清泉池,犹如她闪动着的美丽大眼睛;而镇子南面的那一片繁茂的树林子,就恰似她那异常美丽的凤尾了。此外,在这只凤凰的左翼下,有一条长年流淌的小河;由北至南潺潺而下的清清河水,更为这只神奇的“展翅凤凰”增添了无限遐想。北街上,有一个北方农村并不多见,但很是像模像样的铁匠铺。铁匠铺的铺面是五间板房,通红的炉火每日里都在呼呼地燃烧着,丁丁噹噹的打造声常年不断。由于几位师傅们终日里面对着通红的炉火和炙热的铁块儿,加之干的也都是重体力活儿,所以总是汗流浃背的,即使在冬日里,也几乎只是穿着单衣。虽然这 ... ...

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