
Unit2 what time do you go to school? Section A 1a-2c课件

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:74次 大小:1459207Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) What time do you go to school Section A 1a-2c Unit 2 My Busy Morning 6:30 get up brush teeth get dressed go to school Do you think I have a busy morning? take a shower John’s routine What time does he get up When does he go to bed What time does he get up When does he go to bed Task 1: 1b Listen and match. Task 2: Listen and fill. Task 3 2a 2b Task 4-6 Self study (10 mins) 1.Check your answers. Task1- No.5,No.6 add. Task2- No.4 Task3- No.3 Task6- A. No.2 B. No.1 Group work (8 mins) 2. Pair work : Talk about yourself (Task5). What time do you usually … I usually … at ... How about you Show time Task 1 Listen and match the times with the actions. 1. get up 7:00 2. brush teeth 6:30 3.take a shower 6:40 4.eat breakfast 7:30 5.get dressed 6:40 6.go to school 7:20 Rick gets up at 6:30. Task2:Listen and fill in the blanks. Interviewer: What time do you usually _____, Rick Rick: Um, I usually get up at six thirty. Interviewer: And what time do you brush your _____ and take a shower Rick: At six forty. Interviewer: Hmm. What time do you eat _____ Rick: Seven o’clock. Interviewer: And what time do you usually get dressed Rick: At _____. Interviewer: And my last question .What time do you _____ Rich: At seven thirty. Interviewer: Thank you. get up 7:20 go to school teeth breakfast Listening 2b A shower schedule is necessary Name Bob Mary Jack Jim Anna Time 5:30 5:50 6:15 6:30 6:45 Task3 Bob takes a shower at 5:30. ... Task6: A、询问时间用_____或_____。询问大体时间用_____,而询问具体几点用_____,时间点前用介词_____. B、时间的读法 1.整点的读法 2.顺读法: 顺读法先读_____,再读_____. 3.逆读法:逆读法先读_____,再读_____。 30分钟前用_____,即_____+_____+_____,翻译_____, 30分钟后用_____,即_____+_____+_____,翻译为_____。 Activity 1 起床 刷牙 洗澡 Time Task5: Pair work get up brush teeth take a shower Activity 2 穿衣 吃早餐 去上学 Time get dressed have breakfast go to school What time do you usually ... I usually ... at ... How about you Game time Try to speak out the times as quickly as possible. What time is it What time is it What time is it What time is it What time is it 询问时间的句型: What’s the time / What time is it 回答时间: It’s … 2.what time提问“点钟”,答语只能是几点; when 提问的范围广泛,答语可以是任何的时间状语, Explanation 2.时间读法 整点读法:数字+o’clock 顺读法:先读时针,再读分针 逆读法:先读分针,再读时针 30分钟前用past,即分钟数+past+点钟数,译为几点过几分 30分钟后用to,即分钟数+to+下一点钟,译为差几分到几点 一刻钟:a quarter 半小时:half 45分钟:three quarters Self check Time is life. Time is money. 时间就是生命。时间就是金钱。 So try to use your time wisely! Time flies.

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