
Unit 1 How tall are you? PB Read and write 课件

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:29次 大小:4516352Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 How tall are you Read and Write Review 请快速说出图片中闪现的单词并拼写 smaller taller heavier bigger longer shorter thinner older younger stronger 写出下列词语的比较级或把比较级变为原级 green _____ 8. warm——— clear _____ 9. bad _____ 3.angry _____ 10. big _____ 4.funny _____ 11. brighter_____ 5. hotter _____ 12.sunny _____ 6. windy _____ 13.good _____ 7.many_____ greener cleaner bigger hot sunnier warmer worse angrier funnier windier more better bright Spring is coming. What will happen The sky is clearer. The sun is brighter. The river is cleaner. The trees are greener. The trees are taller. The weather is warmer. The flowers are more beautiful. Tips: 多音节形容词比较级,在形容词前+more。 √ √ √ Wu Yifan and his family are going on a trip to the countryside. Wu Yifan has a story to tell Robin. Read and write Tips: go on a trip ———旅行,去旅行,进行一次旅行 countryside———乡村 形容词比较级 动词第三人称单数形式 用方框标出文章中的形容词比较级,用圆圈圈出文章中的动词第三人称单数形式。 Little duck is watching the sun go down. It is getting lower and lower, but his shadow is getting longer and longer. language points Tips: go down———下降 lower and lower———越来越低 longer and longer———越来越长 比较级 + and + 比较级:越来越…… be动词+动词ing形式:表示正在做…… “Why is that ” little duck asks his old friend Old Tree. ”You are older and smarter than me. Tell me— why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower ” language points Tips: smater: smart的比较级,意思是”更聪明” shadow———影子 Old tree says, “That’s easy, Little Duck. The sun goes down every day, and we grow older every day. Your shadow grows longer because you are growing taller. You are becoming a big beautiful bird!” Tips: easy:简单的 grow:成长,生长 becoming:变成,成为 language points Think and discuss. Read and circle listen to the dialogue again and fill in the blank. lower longer older taller A Little Duck's Shadow A Little Duck's Shadow A Little Duck's Shadow It's a natural phenomenon. 自然现象 当太阳变得越来越低时,为什么我们的影子会越来越长? 读一读,选择最佳答案 1、The monkey has a _____ tail. A. longer B. tall C. long 2、The brown monkey is _____than the yellow one. A .strong B. stronger C. funny 3、My ruler is _____ than your ruler. A. short B .taller C .longer 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空 1. She is _____(tall) than me . 2. How _____ (heavy) are you 3. My hands are _____ (big) than yours. 4. She is 2 years _____ (old) than me . 5. I’m _____ (thin) than you. 6.You are _____(short) than me. 7.ZhangPeng is _____(young) than me. 8.The elephant is _____(strong) than the panda. taller heavy bigger older thinner shorter younger stronger 按要求写句子 1. are, you, than, stronger, me(.)(连词成句) 2. long, your, legs, are, how( )(连词成句) 3. hands, are, bigger, yours, than, his(.)(连词成句) You are stronger than me. How long are your legs His hands are bigger than yours. Rea ... ...

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