
Unit 5 My clothes PA 教案(3个课时)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:19次 大小:125494Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 My clothes Part A 本课主要通过学习服装类名词来进一步学习名词复数、一般疑问句、名词所有格的运用。Let’s learn为单词和句型的学习,Let’s talk和Let’s play 为交际对话,Let’s do为语言运用,Let’s spell为语音的学习,学习字母组合le的发音。21*cnjy*com 第一课时 【知识目标】 学生能够听说读写以下单词和词组:clothes, skirt, dress, pants, put on, hang up, take off, put away。21·世纪*教育网 【能力目标】 学生能完成Let’s do中的动作表演。 【情感目标】 通过本课的学习培养孩子整理自己衣服、热爱劳动的生活习惯。 【教学重点】 学生能够做到四会(听、说、读、写)本课重点单词。 【教学难点】 怎样帮助学生运用所学单词和词组对话。 Multimedia, flashcard Step 1. Greetings and warm-up 1. Greet students as usual. T:Good morning, boys and girls. 2. Present some colours and ask students to read. Step 2. Presentation T: This is a clothes shop, what do you want to buy?2·1·c·n·j·y skirt green skirt I like that green skirt. dress red dress I like that red dress. 3. hat black hat I like that black hat.21cnjy.com 4. panda pants I like those pants. Step 3. Practice Use some pictures to present the practice the new words and sentences.2-1-c-n-j-y Let’s say ① I like that _____ skirt. ② I like that _____ hat. ③ I like those _____ pants. Let’s do ① Play the video of "Let’s do". ② Give the instruction “Put on your shirt.” and ask students to say the sentences together and do the action. Step 4 Production A: I like that… B: Me too. And I like those... Step 5. Summary 1. Ask one student to be the little teacher and summarize what he or she has learned in this lesson. 2. Ask students to read the words and sentences together.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 Step 6. Homework Copy the words and of Unit 5 Part A Let’s learn. Read the sentences on the pad. 略。 第二课时 【知识目标】 学生能听说读写单词运用并掌握句型"Are these yours ...?Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t." 【能力目标】 学生能正确理解与朗读Let’s talk 部分的对话内容,询问和介绍自己或别人的衣物。 【情感目标】 通过对本课的学习培养学生不乱放东西,整理和保管好自己物品的良好品质。 【教学重点】 学生能够在真实的语境中灵活运用本课所学。 【教学难点】 如何帮助学生在情境中灵活运用词汇和句型,用英语表达衣服的所属。 Multimedia Step 1. Greetings and warm-up 1. Greet students as usual. T:Good morning, boys and girls. 2. Free talk: I like this/ that_____. I like these/ those_____.【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 Step 2. Presentation Look and think. Present three pictures and ask two questions: ① How many people can you see? Who are they? ② What are they talking about?【出处:21教育名师】 2. Listen, look and answer the questions. (1)What time is it now? (It’s four o’clock.) (2) Are these Amy’s? (No, they aren’t. They are Chen Jie’s.) (3) What colour are Amy’s shoes? (They are green.) Is this John’s hat? (No, it isn’t. It’s Mike’s.) It’s two o’clock. It’s time for PE class. It’s four o’clock. It’s time to go home. Amy, are these your shoes? No, they aren’t. My shoes are green. They are Chen Jie’s. What about this hat? Is t ... ...

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