
天津市宁河区八年级英语下册Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles导学案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:94次 大小:377877Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Module 7 Unit 1 Please write to me and send me some photos! 课型Listening and speaking 班级 学生姓名 使用时间 【学习目标】 1. Words: list, crazy, shorts, trousers, sunglasses, weigh, total, weight, passport 2.用and, but, or连接的并列复合句。 3.能听懂和阅读关于介绍洛杉矶之行的语言材料,能通过相关词汇和图片描述自己和他人的旅行经历;能编写关于旅行的对话。学会倾听他人的旅行经历,了解他人的旅行快乐;养成关心、帮助他人的良好品质。 【学习重点和难点】 用and, but, or连接的并列复合句。 【学习方法】 小组合作、交流讨论 【Learning process】 ⅠPreview Step 1 I'm brilliant, and I can write the words according to phonetic symbols。(Believing in yourself, you can do it.)【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 phonogram word Chinese phonogram word Chinese l?st 'tra?z?z 'kre?z? 's?nglɑ?s?z ???ts 'h??mste? Step 2 Preview the text and find the following phrases from the text.(It's difficult, so remember to communicate!)21cnjy.com 列一张单子 _____ 准备好_____21·cn·jy·com 带……去_____ _ 在……的末端_____ 在那里待四周_____付款_____ 21·世纪*教育网 还有什么_____ 旅行社_____2-1-c-n-j-y 最好做……_____ _顺便说一下_____【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 忘记做某事_____ _ 给某人写信_____【版权所有:21教育】 ⅡCooperative learning 【Pre-listening】 Step 1 Listening and complete the notes 1. Before you listen: Pay attention to these information: name activity time number place 2. Listen to Part 2 and answer the following questions.21教育网 1) Where is Lingling going? 2) Are many things more expensive in America? 【While-listening】 Step 1. Look at the listening information first. Where Daming and Linging are going: _____21*cnjy*com What they are going to do: _____ How long they will stay: _____ How many students there are in the group: _____ Step 2. Now check the things Betty suggests Lingling take. 1 dollars 4 T-shirts 7 passport 2 shorts 5 pens 8 sunglasses 3 Jeans 6 a dictionary 9 notebooks 【Post-listening】 Step 1. Find sentences in the conversation which suggest that … 1) Lingling wants help. 2) Betty is glad to offer help. 3) Lingling asks for more help. 4) Betty tells Lingling to remember something important.21*cnjy*com Keys: 1) 2) 3) 4) Step 2. Read Part 2 and mark T or F. 1) Lingling is leaving at the end of June. ( ) 2) Lingling is going to stay in China. ( ) 21教育名师原创作品 3) Betty’s going to stay in LA for four weeks. ( )2·1·c·n·j·y 4) It’s sunny and hot in LA in July. ( ) 5) Betty wants Lingling to write to her and send her some photos. ( ) 【Summary】I study, and I summarize. Step 1.Read the passage carefully. crazy list passport shorts total trousers weigh weight When you are planning a trip, make a (1) ____ of things to take. Do not go (2) _____ and take too many clothes. For warm countries you can keep cool with (3) _____ and some light(4) _____. If you travel by plane, your bag cannot (5) _____ too much. For some flights, twenty kilos may be the (6) _____ you can take. To make sure, ask the travel company for help. Remember to check the (7) _____ of your bag ... ...

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