
Lesson 10 Revision 课件

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:11次 大小:425273Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件10张PPT。Lesson 10RevisionMy name is Jimmy. I’m a student. I live in Toronto, Canada. 我是名字叫吉米。我是一个学生。我住在加拿大的多伦多。 Last summer holiday my parents and I went the USA. We visited New York and Washington. 去年暑假我父母和我去了美国。我们游览了纽约和华盛顿。 Then we flew to the UK, and visited the famous Big Ben in London. 然后我们飞往英国,并且参观了著名的伦敦大本钟。 After that, we went to France and did some shopping in Paris. We had a great time. 接着,我们去了法国而且在巴黎购物。我们玩得很开心。 This summer we will go to Rome, the capital of Italy. 今年暑假我们将去意大利的首都罗马。 From Rome, we will go to Moscow by plane. It’s the capital of Russia. 我们将从罗马乘飞机去莫斯科。它是俄罗斯的首都。 Then we will fly to Beijing, the capital of China. We are going to climb the Great Wall and visit the Bird’s Nest. 然后我们将飞往中国的首都北京。我们打算登长城和参观鸟巢(奥运会体育馆)。 From China we will fly to Australia. We will visit Sydney there. 我们将从中国飞往澳大利亚。我们将去悉尼参观游览。 Then my trip around the world will come to an end. I hope I can travel to the moon some day. 最后我们环游世界的旅行将要结束了。我希望将来有一天我能到月球上去旅行。A trip around the world 环球之旅The End

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