
Unit 6 In a nature park PB Read and write 课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:51次 大小:11743042Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件14张PPT。In a Nature ParkB read and writeWhat’s in the nature park? There is/are _____.Where does Mr Jones live? He lives _____.near the nature parkWhere is Robin?He’s in a house.What’s in the nature park? Guess?Maybe there is/are_____.There is a nature park near the house.Robin is at Mr Jones’ house.Task 1: Read quickly and circle the words about scenery. (快速阅读,圈出有关景物的单词。)Task 2: Read carefully and line the location of the scenery.(仔细阅读,划出描写景物位置的句子。)Task 3: Read and finish the picture. (读文章,完成图画。)Robin would like to draw a picture of the park. Can you help?Robin draws Robi is at Mr Jones' house. There is a nature park near the house. In the park there is a high mountain. In front of the mountain there is a small village. There is a lake near the village. There are many ducks on the lake.Mr Jones'sThere is a high mountain in the park.There is a samll village in front of the mountain.Let's listen!1. Is there a mountain in the park?Yes, there is.2. Are there any ducks on the lake?Yes, there are.高的tall近义词:3. Is there a river near the village?No, there isn’t.阅读短文, 问答问题。a high mountainYes, there is.any ducks on the lakeYes, there are.Is there a lake near the villageYes, there is.Yes, there is.No, there aren’t.Yes, there is one.No, there isn’t.No, there aren’t.No, there isn’t.IsAreIsAreP64看一看下面的图片。完成问题,并做出回答。

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