
Module 4 Seeing the doctor Unit 3 Language in use (单词,词组,作文)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:57次 大小:122574Byte 来源:二一课件通
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1.n. v. 咳嗽 2.n.发烧;发热 3.n.头痛 4.n.腹部;肚子 5.n.痛;疼痛 6.胃痛;腹痛 7.n.牙痛 8.adj.不健康的;有病的 9.pron.这,这个(指刚提到的或 显而易见的人,物或事实等) 10.prep. conj.自…以来 11.n.感冒;伤风 12.感冒 13.v.(用机器)测定,量取,拍摄 (尤指有规律地)吃,喝* 14.量某人的体温 15.快餐食品 16.n.健康(状况) 17.adj.健康的 18.n.心;心脏 19.adj.积极的;活跃的 20.n.宠物;宠畜 21.n.成员;会员 24.参加,参与(某事) 25.n.状况;身体状况 26.健康状况很好 27.adj.困的;想睡的 28.adv.当时;那时 29.adj.每天的;天天的 30.adj.弱的;虚弱的 31.n.病;疾病 32.v.运动;锻炼 33.adj.极讨厌的;极坏的 34.感到不舒服 35.浑身;到处 36.adv.可能;也许 感到不舒服 生病 胃痛 头疼 牙痛 患上感冒 量体温 快餐食品 对···有害 停止做 例如 给某人某物 一天三次 照顾好身体 咳嗽 发烧 去看医生 在诊所 看医生 健康生活 感到舒服 带某人散步 决定做··· 是···的成员 参加 健康状况很好 在最近几年里 感到很困 自从 日常锻炼 脸上带着微笑 感到虚弱 去跑步 感到很糟糕 全身,遍及 太···而不能 by doing sth suggest用法 终止性转延续性动词 forsince区别 ? It's?very?important?to?keep?healthy.? First?of?all,?you?should?get?enough?sleep?at?night.?If?you?go?to?bed?late,?you?will?feel?sleepy?and?you?won't?work? well?next?day.?Second,?stop?eating?fast?food.?You?need?to?eat?healthy?breakfast?every?day.?Third,?get?up?early?and? do?some?exercise.?What‘s?more,?when?you?are?free,?you?can?develop?your?interests?and?take?part?in?some?activities?after?class?.?If?you?keep?doing?these,?you?will?be?in?excellent?condition.?21世纪教育网版权所有 My classmates and I had a discussion on keeping healthy . And here is our advice .21教育网 Breakfast is important . But not all the students have realized its importance . If you don’t eat breakfast ,you will feel hungry and don’t listen carefully in class. You can also get worse the usual. So you must eat breakfast regularly every day.21cnjy.com Exercise is also important. If you feel ill sleepy or weak. Good exercise will help you . You can run, walk a dog or take other exercise. It will help us to keep healthy . It can make us relaxed and comfortable. “exercise an hour every day , healthy living every day(每天运动一小时,健康生活每一天).”Let’s do some exercise every day ! Keeping healthy is very easy . Let’s keep healthy , let it become a part of our lives.21·cn·jy·com

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