
外研版高中英语选修六 Module 5 Cloning Language points教学课件(共30张)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:37次 大小:466660Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件30张PPT。外研新标准 第六册(选修6)同步教学辅助课件Module 5 CloningP3 Language pointsresemble terrify burn out contrast with disgust again and again1. Using bones from dead bodies, he creates a creature that resembles a human being and gives it life. 利用死人的骨头,他制造出一个像人的怪物,并给了它生命。resemble sb. /sth.: to look like or be similar to another person or thing 相似;相像She closely resembles her sister. 她和她姐姐很像。The plant resembles grass in appearance. 这种植物的外形像草。resemblance n. the fact of being or looking similar to sb./sth. 相似;相像 resemblance?to sb./ sth. The movie?bears little resemblance to?the original novel. 电影和原著相去甚远。 resemblance?between A and B? The resemblance between the two signatures was remarkable. 两个签名的相似之处非常明显。practice 1. 约翰各方面都极像他父亲。 John resembles his father very much in all his ways. 2. 你和照片中的人确实有几分相似。 There is some resemblance between you and the man in the pictures. 2. The creature… terrifies anyone who sees it. 所有的人见了那个怪物都感到害怕。 I hid in the garden and stayed there till morning, terrified by what I had done. 由于害怕,我藏身花园,一直呆到天亮。terrify?sb.:?to make sb. feel extremely frightened 使恐惧,使十分害怕Flying terrifies her. 她害怕坐飞机。terrified adj.感到害怕的 terrifying adj.令人害怕的practice 1. 她一想到孤零零的独自一人就惊恐不安。 She was terrified at the thought of being alone. 2. 不要被凯利的著作的名称吓到.。 Don’t let the title of Kelly’s book terrify you. 3. My candle was almost burnt out when, by its tiny light, I saw the yellow eye of the creature open. 就在此时,借着微弱的烛光,我看见怪物睁开了黄色的眼睛。 burn (itself) out: (of a fire)?to stop burning because there is nothing more to burn 熄灭;燃尽The fire had burnt (itself) out before the fire engines arrived. 消防车到达之前火就熄灭了。 By the age of 25 she was completely burned out and retired from the sport. 她到25岁时就已体力耗尽,退出了体坛。burn sb. out: to become extremely tired or sick by working too hard over a period of time 耗尽体力,累垮burn sth. out: to destroy sth. completely by fire so that only the outer frame remains 把……烧成空架子The hotel was completely burnt out, only the walls remained. 旅馆完全烧空了,仅余四壁。practice 1. 消防员让火自行熄灭。 Firemen let the fire?burn?itself?out.?? 2. 如果你不放慢速度歇一会儿,?很快就会没劲的。 If?you?don’t?slow?down?and take a?break, you’ll?burn?out?very?quickly.??4. His hair was black and his teeth were white. But these things contrasted horribly with his yellow eyes… 他头发是黑色的,牙齿是白色的,但却与他的黄眼睛形成了骇人的对比。contrast?(A and/with B):?to compare two things in order to show the differences between them 对比;对照 v.It is interesting to contrast the British legal system with the American one. 对比英国和美国的法制系统很有意思。contrast?(with sth.):?to show a clear difference when close together or when compared 形成对比,显出明显的差异 v. Her actions?contrasted sharply? ... ...

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