
Unit 2 My favorite season A 课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:61次 大小:1130651Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件15张PPT。Unit 2 My favorite seasonIntroduce--What is the weather like today ? --It’s rainy and cold windy and cold sunny and warm. --Which season do you like best ? --Spring Summer Autumn Winter.Wordswhich [w?t?]作疑问副词,引导特殊疑问句,意为“哪一个” 。 eg:Which bag is yours ? 哪个包是你的? Which pupil can answer this question ? 哪个学生能回答这个问题?小练习:选词填空 --_____season do you like best ? -- Spring. A. What B. WhichBWordsbest [best] 作副词,意为“最好地”,也是good 和well的最高级。常用短语:all the best 祝一切顺利 best practice 最佳实践eg: Amy is my best friend. Amy 是我最好的朋友。小练习:英汉互译:你最喜欢哪个玩具? Which toy do you like _____?bestWordssnow [sn??] 作名词,意为“雪” 作动词,意为“降雪”。 常用短语:Little Snow 小雪(二十四节气) snow white 白雪公主 小练习:看图片补全句子: ? --Why do you like Winter ? --Because I like _____.snowExpressionsToday we’ll draw the seasons. 今天我们将要画季节。 一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作,事情或存在的状态;表示将来经常或反复发生的动作或事情?。 eg:Which?paragraph?shall?I?read?first?? 我先读哪一段???小练习:根据所给动词适当形式填空: (1)We will _____(play ) football tomorrow. (2)_____you _____(go ) shopping next week ? goWillplayDialogueMr Jones: Do you like the music, children ? Mr Jones: 孩子们,你们喜欢这段音乐吗? Mick: Yes. It’s very beautiful. What is it ? Mick: 是的。它非常的优美。是什么音乐呢? Mr Jones: The four seasons. Today we’ll draw the seasons. Which season do you like best , Mick ? Mr Jones: 《四季歌》今天我们将要画季节。Mick你最喜欢的季节是什么? Mick: Winter. I like snow. Mick: 冬天,我喜欢雪。DialogueMr Jones: I like snow , too. Which season do you like best , Wu yifan ? Mr Jones: 我也喜欢雪。吴亦凡你最喜欢哪个季节? Wu yifan: Spring. It’s very pretty. Wu yifan: 春天,它非常的漂亮。 Mr Jones: Yes, it is . Mr Jones: 是的,它很漂亮。 Expand美国小学生的课间活动 在美国,小学生每天最少一小时的户外运动时间是必须的,且风雨无阻,而这对于国内孩子而言,却越来越是一件奢侈的事情,学校为了避免意外不断减少孩子的课间活动时间,课外家长也宁愿孩子伏案做作业而不是去玩。缺乏运动是现在国内孩子普遍存在的问题,对孩子的身体和意志力成长都有不好的影响。SummarywhichbestsnowWhat is the weather like today ?Exercise1.I will ____ my homework tomorrow. A. do B. doing C. to do 2. --_____ season do you like best ? --Spring. A. Where B. What C. Which 3.--_____? -- It’s rainy and clod. A. What is the weather like today ? B. What do you do ? C. Which season do you like best ?ACAExercise4. Do you _____ every day ? A. watch TV B. watching TV C. watches TV 5. – When do you get up every day ? --_____ A. I often wash my face. B.I get up at 7 o’clock. C. I go to the park.ACExercise根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”: Where Is My Cat? Mr. Black likes fish very much. He often buys some fish in the shop and takes them home for supper. His wife, Mrs. Black often asks her friends to their home to have lunch and eat fish. One day, when Mr. Black comes home in the evening, ... ...

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