
Unit 6 Happy birthday! PA Letters and sounds 课件+素材

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:36次 大小:12287385Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件45张PPT。Unit6 Happy Birthday廉江市实验学校小学部三年级英语备课组Let’s sing : ABC SongJj, Jj,Jj /j/ /j/ /j/, Jj, /j/, jeep, jump.Kk, Kk, Kk /k/ /k/ /k/, Kk, /k/, Kate, kite .Ll, Ll, /l/ /l / /l /, Ll, /l/, long, leg.Mm, Mm, /m/ /m//m/, Mm, /m/, mum, milk .Nn,Nn, /n/ /n/ /n /, Nn, /n/, nose, noodles. Let's chant!Let's chant!Oo, Oo, Oo, /o/ /o/ /o/, Oo, /o/, on. orange.Pp, Pp, Pp,/p/, /p/, /p/. Pp, /p/, pen. pig.Qq, Qq, Qq,/q/, /q/, /q/. Qq, /q/, quiet. queen.Rr, Rr, Rr,/r/, /r/, /r/. Rr, /r/, rice. red.Ss, Ss, /s/, /s/, /s/. Ss, /s/, Sarah. six.Tt, Tt, Tt, /t/, /t/, /t/. Tt, /t/, tiger. ten.Look and sayDdBbAaHhJjCcGgFfEeIiNnKkMmLlOoPpQqRrSsTtLet's sayUVWXYZuvwxyzLook at the cat.It is _____.fatunder the umbrella.Look at the tiger,umbrellaunderunderuuUu, Uu, Uu, / ? /, / ? /, / ? /.Let's chant/ ? /, / ? /, umbrella. / ? /, / ? /, under. / ? /, / ? /, un. / ? /, / ? /, um. / ? /, / ? /, under the umbrella. Let's writeUu, Uu, Uu, / ? /, / ? /, / ? /.Let's chantUu, / ? /, under. Uu, / ? /, umbrella. Uu, Uu, Uu, / ? /, / ? /, / ? /.vet(兽医)vetsVvvestgreen vestwhite vestblue vestLook at the vet, in the vest.vetVvvestVv, Vv, Vv, / v /, / v /, / v /.Let's chantVv, / v /, vet. Vv, Vv, Vv, / v /, / v /, / v /.Vv, / v /, vest. Let's writewaterwwW wHow are you, dog?Not fine.Look at the dog, wet in the water. I’m wet in the water.Ww, Ww, Ww, / w /, / w /, / w /.Let's chantWw, / w /, wet. Ww, Ww, Ww, / w /, / w /, / w /.Ww, / w /, water. Let's writeLook at the dog, wet in the water.Look at the tiger, under the umbrella.Look at the vet, in the vest.Let's chantVet, vet, help, help!救命,救命!?xxX xXx, Xx, Xx, / x /, / x /, / x /.Let's chantXx, / x /, box. Xx, Xx, Xx, / x /, / x /, / x /.Xx, Xx, Xx, / x /, / x /, / x /.Xx, / x /, fox. Let's writeyesellow boxyYyyo-yoyellow yo-yoyouryellow umbrellayellow vestyellow boxyellow yo-yoYy, Yy, Yy, / y /, / y/, / y /.Yy, / y /, yellow. Yy, Yy, Yy, / y /, / y/, / y /.Yy, / y /, yo-yo. Let's writeyellow tigeryellow foxyellow birdyellow dogoo zZzipZI see the big/small _____.Zz, Zz, Zz, / z /, / z/, / z /.Zz, / z /, zoo. Zz, / z /, Zip. Zz, Zz, Zz, / z /, / z/, / z /.Let's writeUu Uu UuLet's sayVv Vv VvWw Ww WwXx Xx XxYy Yy YyRead in pairs. 读给你的同桌听Zz Zz Zz连连 看Look and match U W Y X V Zx w z u v y尖角 A a 双圆 B b 半圆 C c 馒头 DdLet's say倒山 E e 牙刷 F f 鱼钩 G g 梯子 H h 工字 I i伞把 Jj 鸭嘴 Kk鸡蛋 Oo 口哨P 气球Qq小孩踢腿变成Rr 蛇儿扭扭成Ss 钉子Tt杯子Uu 领口Vv 波浪Ww 叉号Xx 树杈Yy 闪电Zz一竖一横是 Ll 双门 Mm 单门 Nn1. P60:Read after the video for 5 times. P60 跟录音读5遍。2. P60: Copy the letters for 4 times. 6个字母各抄4遍。HomeworkThank You !

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